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Editing Site.EditForm
(:input e_form :)(:e_guibuttons:) (:input e_textarea :) Summary: (:input e_changesummary :) Author: (:input e_author :) (:input e_minorcheckbox :) This is a minor edit (:input e_savebutton :) (:input e_savedraftbutton :) (:input e_saveeditbutton :) (:input e_previewbutton :) (:input e_cancelbutton :)
Basic Editing - Text Formatting Rules - Documentation Index
Tables: Simple - Advanced
Paragraphs: for a new paragraph, use a blank line;
Line break: \\ or [[<<]]
-> to indent text, -< hanging text
Join line: \
Lists: * for bulleted, # for numbered, :term:definition for definition lists
Emphasis: ''italics'', '''bold''', '''''bold italics''''', @@typewriter@@ (monospaced)
References: [[another page]], [[]], [[another page | link text]], [[#anchor]]
Groups: [[Group/Page]] displays Page, [[Group.Page]] displays Group.Page, [[Group(.Page)]] displays Group
Separators: !!, !!! for headings, ---- for horizontal line
Prevent formatting: [=…=]
Other: [+big+], [++bigger++], [-small-], [--smaller--], '^superscript^', '_subscript_', {+inserted+}, {-deleted-}
Preformatted block: [@…@]
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