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- Click the “Edit” link to play around on this page.
- When you’re “in edit mode”, you’ll see boxes for a Summary of your work and your Author name below the “edit box”.
- You always have to put something in the Author box in order to save your edits - it’s a good idea to be consistent in what you use there.
- Below the “Save” etc. buttons, there’s a shaded area, or “cheat-sheet” with some formatting tips, and links to even more help.
- There is a section that displays a preview of the page down below those formatting tips - scroll on down in edit mode to see that.
- To create a new page: Create A Link to a page, and thereby create that page (really, that’s how you do it!), if it doesn’t already exist.
- Put your experiments under the line below these notes.
Have Fun! Happy Wiki-ing!
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- Bullet level 1
- Second Bullet level 1
So There
So There, too.
red text green text normal text
If you want some footnote material, you put special mark up around it right in the text that it refers to, and then a special tag where you want the wiki to display that footnote material at the foot of the page.1
You can have as many footnotes on a page as you like; the same tag will organize them all. You don’t have to keep track of how many there are — the wiki keeps track of that for you. 2
space before the first character in this sentence makes it ugly 3
indentation code before the first character is way nicer
Material above this directive is full page-width. NOTE that you can only use this column-break markup in one section per page.
Here’s the left column material
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque consectetur commodo magna, in vestibulum felis euismod ac. Pellentesque commodo, urna in sodales rutrum, eros arcu rhoncus lacus, at rhoncus turpis sem sit amet elit. Ut gravida elit non ipsum laoreet tristique. Nulla tortor sapien, pellentesque eu tempor sit amet, ultricies a lorem. Donec feugiat scelerisque tortor, sit amet malesuada lorem volutpat nec. Fusce placerat lectus quis eros ullamcorper sed porta tortor ornare. Phasellus vitae mi metus. Curabitur ultrices varius sodales. Aenean at risus vitae nisl venenatis interdum sed sit amet dolor. Proin congue, velit molestie feugiat auctor, lacus purus faucibus libero, ultrices tincidunt dolor ante quis magna.
Here’s the right column material
Donec risus tortor, iaculis ut condimentum sit amet, volutpat sit amet leo. Integer id ultricies elit. Quisque tempor libero vel arcu molestie laoreet. Nam eget ante eu sem rhoncus auctor et ut tortor. Integer ut erat sit amet lorem sodales dignissim. Quisque vulputate mi vel risus ultricies aliquam. Etiam scelerisque, sapien vel bibendum hendrerit, tellus ligula euismod ipsum, sit amet rutrum nisl mi ut leo. Donec enim ligula, facilisis in semper ac, gravida a leo. Quisque eu enim risus, vitae fermentum metus. Duis nec enim eu urna venenatis dictum.
This is full page-width again
Aenean tempor orci vitae elit tempor ac commodo arcu commodo. Curabitur erat orci, cursus in adipiscing in, dapibus a diam. Nunc vulputate egestas faucibus. Suspendisse consequat mauris ut sem pellentesque semper. Integer placerat aliquam neque luctus tempor. Ut mattis pulvinar neque ac varius. Nunc porta, dolor vel venenatis ultricies, ante nulla tristique sapien, non dignissim augue neque quis erat. Fusce id augue auctor felis tristique faucibus sed in neque. In turpis libero, mollis non feugiat nec, lacinia id justo. Suspendisse porta, lectus id condimentum lacinia, ligula lorem volutpat turpis, in mollis odio enim vitae purus.