Bread Crumbs
- Three Evils of Society, Racism, Militarism and Excessive Materialism . . . April 06, 2018, at 12:10 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Parable of Kingdom of God as Wedding Feast . . . November 09, 2017, at 12:54 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Failures and Abuses in Mental Health Care . . . June 09, 2016, at 01:19 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Madness . . . May 03, 2016, at 12:34 AM by Bob Graf?:
- War, What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing. Literally. . . . March 05, 2016, at 11:22 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Antonin Scalia’s Death and the Death Penalty . . . February 21, 2016, at 11:19 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Killing by Committee in the Global Wild West . . . July 14, 2015, at 12:03 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Sacrificing the Vulnerable, From Gaza to America . . . November 08, 2014, at 01:45 PM by Bob Graf?:
- ADD TITLE HERE . . . November 08, 2014, at 01:44 PM by Bob Graf?:
- If War is a Racket . . . October 01, 2013, at 12:47 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Faith and Violence are Incompatible . . . August 26, 2013, at 02:32 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Schizophrenic. Killer. My Cousin. . . . May 27, 2013, at 08:30 PM by Bob Graf?:
- The Long Arc of Justice in Guatemala . . . April 26, 2013, at 11:21 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Worms Produce Another Kind of Gold for Growers . . . January 05, 2013, at 12:00 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Face of War . . . October 15, 2012, at 11:43 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Endless Wars . . . October 04, 2012, at 12:15 AM by Bob Graf?:
- ADD TITLE HERE . . . October 04, 2012, at 12:14 AM by Bob Graf?:
- The Lily-Pad Stragedy . . . July 17, 2012, at 12:16 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Five Reasons Drone Assassinations Are Illegal . . . June 16, 2012, at 04:56 PM by Bob Graf?:
- A Different Intersection of Church and Politics . . . April 29, 2012, at 12:45 AM by Bob Graf?:
- The Real Invisible Hand: George Orwell, and Why We Got JOBs not Jobs . . . April 15, 2012, at 01:14 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Hearing the Voice of God in Quietness . . . March 17, 2012, at 06:31 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Making peace in inner-city Oakland, one block at a time . . . February 22, 2012, at 10:35 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Working and Poor in the USA . . . January 19, 2012, at 05:49 PM by Bob Graf?:
- This Is What Revolution Looks Like . . . November 17, 2011, at 12:26 AM by Bob Graf?:
- How the World Failed Haiti . . . September 10, 2011, at 10:52 PM by Bob Graf?:
- ADD TITLE HERE . . . September 10, 2011, at 10:41 PM by Bob Graf?:
- The Predators: Where is Your Democracy? . . . May 21, 2011, at 10:45 PM by Bob Graf?:
- People Power . . . April 27, 2011, at 12:54 AM by Bob Graf?:
- The War is Killing Afghanistan’s Children. Enough! . . . March 10, 2011, at 01:03 AM by Bob Graf?:
- Alexander Schmorell and the White Rose . . . February 16, 2011, at 10:16 PM by Bob Graf?:
- ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ has been repealed. ROTC still shouldn’t be on campus. . . . January 28, 2011, at 10:57 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Serious Guns and White Terrorism: Two Unasked Questions in Tucson Mass Murder . . . January 11, 2011, at 10:13 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Real Hope Is About Doing Something . . . November 30, 2010, at 10:36 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Facts Show Rich Getting Richer, Everyone Else Poorer . . . October 25, 2010, at 10:54 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Banning Slaughter . . . September 15, 2010, at 10:46 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Here Be Dragons . . . August 23, 2010, at 07:14 AM by TeganDowling:
- It’s Time to End This War . . . July 19, 2010, at 11:47 AM by Bob Graf?:
- After Religion Fails, We’re Stuck With Nietzsche . . . May 22, 2010, at 11:46 AM by TeganDowling: format
- FRANZ JÄGERSTÄTTER: Letters and Writings from Prison . . . March 20, 2010, at 04:24 PM by TeganDowling:
- War Is Sin . . . March 20, 2010, at 02:39 PM by TeganDowling:
- We Stand on the Cusp of one of Humanity’s Most Dangerous Moments . . . March 20, 2010, at 08:10 AM by TeganDowling:
- The Christian Military Chaplaincy . . . January 28, 2010, at 07:21 AM by TeganDowling: minor copy-edit
- The Christian Military Chaplanincy? . . . January 28, 2010, at 07:12 AM by TeganDowling: move to correctly named page
- Christmas Eve Sermon on Peace . . . December 24, 2009, at 09:49 PM by Bob Graf?:
- 0 billion military budget an affront to God, the poor . . . November 16, 2009, at 04:38 PM by Bob Graf?:
- The Mystery of the Present Moment . . . September 28, 2009, at 11:10 PM by Bob Graf?:
- New Rule: Not Everything in America Has to Make a Profit . . . July 30, 2009, at 12:28 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Visitors and Hosts in Pakistan . . . June 16, 2009, at 11:37 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Mourning Fr. Larry Rosebaugh . . . May 28, 2009, at 06:43 AM by TeganDowling: add article
- Mourning Fr. Larry Rosebaugh? . . . May 28, 2009, at 06:42 AM by TeganDowling: remove
- ADD TITLE HERE . . . May 28, 2009, at 06:39 AM by TeganDowling: restore template
- Mourning Fr. Larry Rosebaugh . . . May 27, 2009, at 09:58 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Obama & Notre Dame . . . April 20, 2009, at 07:54 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Loving Your Enemy . . . April 06, 2009, at 04:37 PM by Bob Graf?:
- :Loving Your Enemey . . . April 05, 2009, at 03:25 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Winning In Afghanistan . . . February 14, 2009, at 07:33 AM by TeganDowling: add pullquote
- What’s your consumption factor? . . . February 03, 2009, at 10:31 AM by TeganDowling: add pullquote example
- MAKING WAR . . . February 01, 2009, at 10:42 PM by Bob Graf?:
- How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe . . . January 10, 2009, at 11:53 PM by Bob Graf?:
- ADD TITLE HERE . . . January 10, 2009, at 09:32 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Nature’s Bounty: Soil Salvation . . . November 20, 2008, at 07:32 AM by TeganDowling: tweak link
- Breaking the Silence . . . November 05, 2008, at 07:04 AM by TeganDowling: minor markup edit
- BE NOT AFRAID . . . October 31, 2008, at 09:47 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Milwaukee’s black/white jobless gap is highest in U.S. . . . October 15, 2008, at 06:52 AM by TeganDowling: removed erroneous line-breaks
- Milwaukee’s black/white jobless gap is highest in U.S.? . . . October 15, 2008, at 06:48 AM by TeganDowling: renamed
- Milwaukee’s black/white jobless gap is highest in U.S.? . . . October 14, 2008, at 08:44 PM by bob graf?:
- Poems by Harvey Taylor . . . October 10, 2008, at 07:07 AM by TeganDowling: move column start location
- Steps Toward Justice . . . September 18, 2008, at 12:22 PM by Bob Graf?:
- ADD TITLE HERE . . . September 18, 2008, at 12:12 PM by Bob Graf?:
- Bethlehem’s Wall . . . August 27, 2008, at 12:33 PM by TeganDowling: fixed some spelling
- Bethelem’s Wall . . . August 27, 2008, at 12:12 PM by Bob Graf?:
- 4000 U.S. Deaths, And Handful of Images . . . August 05, 2008, at 07:02 AM by TeganDowling: minor copy-edit; formatting
- Testimony of a US Ex-Marine . . . July 22, 2008, at 04:40 PM by TeganDowling: add title
- Featured Article . . . July 22, 2008, at 03:32 PM by TeganDowling: re-add
- Featured Article . . . July 22, 2008, at 03:21 PM by TeganDowling:
- It Was Oil, All Along . . . July 22, 2008, at 03:18 PM by TeganDowling:
- Right Menu . . . July 22, 2008, at 03:00 PM by TeganDowling: fmt text
- Test Page . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:55 PM by TeganDowling: typo
- Rome: Churches appeal to world leaders to feed the hungry . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:48 PM by TeganDowling: add
- Where Industry Once Hummed, Urban Garden Finds Success . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:46 PM by TeganDowling: add
- Iraq Boy’s Family Describes Fatal Blast . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:45 PM by TeganDowling: add
- Turkish Schools Offer Pakistan a Gentler Vision of Islam . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:43 PM by TeganDowling: add
- An Open Letter to His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, OMI . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:37 PM by TeganDowling:
- Counting Iraqi Casualties & a Media Controversy . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:34 PM by TeganDowling: add
- A Man of Peace: Gordon C. Zahn, 1918-2007 . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:33 PM by TeganDowling: typo
- Testimony of AUS Ex-marine . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:30 PM by TeganDowling: add
- At Christmas, Iraqi Christians Ask for Forgiveness, and for Peace . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:28 PM by TeganDowling: fmt
- Following Conscience . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:26 PM by TeganDowling: add
- Primitive Impulses of War . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:26 PM by TeganDowling: add
- St John Chrysostom, Almsgiving, and Persons with Disabilites . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:25 PM by TeganDowling: add
- Franz Jägerstätter: A hard history to face . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:24 PM by TeganDowling: fmt
- What the Constitution Says About Iraq . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:22 PM by TeganDowling: add
- Jasmine’s death . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:20 PM by TeganDowling: add intro
- The War As We Saw It . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:19 PM by TeganDowling: add intro
- Power in Powerlessness . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:15 PM by TeganDowling: add intro
- On July 4, Put Away the Flags . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:14 PM by TeganDowling: add
- The War Inside . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:13 PM by TeganDowling: add
- A Soldier Son Serves and Dies . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:11 PM by TeganDowling: add
- Remembering Our Returning Soldiers with Mental Health Illnesses . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:09 PM by TeganDowling:
- Guns and American Values . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:08 PM by TeganDowling:
- About Perception and Parity . . . July 22, 2008, at 02:06 PM by TeganDowling:
- Side Menu . . . October 25, 2007, at 03:59 PM by TeganDowling: add