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Flowers come and go in our rain garden but a variety of flowers have been blooming since mid-March through mid-November this year. Now, hopefully flowers from the garden that we have dried out will last is till next March when the fresh flowers appear again.
Drying fall flowers is no great task but it gives the feel of flowers throughout the cold and snowing winters of Wisconsin. These dried flowers offer some hope that spring and flowers will return.
Perhaps better than taking D Vitamins these flowers offer a ray of sunlight and hope on dark winter days. These flowers smash the myth that you cannot have flowers in vases of the house in the winter.
These dried flowers are a reminder that there is always something to be grateful for, which I need in dry winter days. Perhaps, like these flowers, we can keep the spark of beauty in us when the days are short and nights are long.
In our hearts we need to keep some dried flowers of beauty when all seems lost. We can, as healthy flowers, retain our beauty, when life becomes ugly.
We need flowers forever, be they alive or dried, to keep us going.
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