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Today at Mass the Gospel reading was the parable about the rich man suffering in hell while the poor beggar is at peace in the bosom of Father Abraham. The priest asks each one of us to tell another person when the moment we first became aware of the fate of people facing poverty and rejection. As I was stories with another person, I suddenly became aware that the awareness of poor and marginalized, if we truly are followers of the Way of Jesus, stays with us always and the more aware we become the more rejection we suffer.

The other day I was reflecting on how I first became aware of “white privilege”. Today I realized that discrepancy of opportunities available to me and to others are still with me but have grown deeper as I have got to know people living in pain, rejection and poverty.

To be at peace with this awareness of rejection, poverty and suffering is difficult. We can put it aside, numb ourselves to these feelings or accept them as part of living a Christian life and find peace in being in solidarity with marginalized, poor and those in pain.

Making peace with rejection, poverty and suffering is not an easy task. But we must believe that picking up this cross will mean life everlasting. Living with Rejection can pay off.


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