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I was at the computer in our office yesterday when I happened to look thru the glass door to the Sun Room and thru the glass doors in the sun room to the garden in back. I saw what is in the picture on the side. I called my wife and when I told her where to look she saw it too. Later in the morning I went outside for a picture from the other side of the dead tree trunk and I could not see it. Here is a story that explains what I saw.

The Master says to his disciple, “Life is death if you walk through life asleep. Wake Up and death is life.” “How do I see life in death”, the disciple ask the Master? The Master says: “Do you see that branch sticking up out of the dead tree trunk?” The disciple says, “Yes”. The Master says “What do you see”? The disciple says “a branch sticking up from the trunk. The Master says, “Close your eyes, take a deep breathe, relax and then open your eyes and look carefully and tell me what you see”. The disciple does this and says “now I see an outline of a child in the branch sticking out of the tree. The Master says “Now you are seeing with eyes open and the branch from the dead trunk of the tree is sprouting the outline of a child. The dead tree is alive.”


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