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The other day I started a series of postings called “Ending Racism and Poverty in Milwaukee”. The idea was to describe specific causes and specific responses. Here is Part 2
The Problem
Nearly all persons suffering a health crisis, like heart attack, stroke, car accident or being shot are taken to the Emergency Room of a Hospital. However, a person suffering a mental health crisis is taken to jail, the Behavior Health Center or a private facility, depending on corporation of person, health insurance and acts committed during the mental health crisis. Two thirds of people in county jail, house of corrections and State prisons suffer from a serious mental health illness. A person with a mental illness is 16 times more like to be shot by a police officer than a person without one. All this, despite the fact that a person with a mental illness is least likely to commit a crime than a person with no mental health illness. The criminalization of mental illnesses is serious problem in our society.
Part of the Solution
All hospital in the County could be required by law to accept persons suffering a mental health crisis If person is shot performing an armed robbery the person will go to a the ER of hospital and released from the hospital to jail only after treatment.
Commitment laws in the State of Wisconsin could be changed allowing other professionals not in law enforcement to commit a person to a hospital. Often people go untreated because of health insurance issues. Parity of mental health illness with others result from illnesses or accidents is needed.
Families and Friends could be given more rights in seeking treatment for a person whose illness blocks them from understanding the need of treatment.
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