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This morning I went to a Brainstorming Breakfast featuring many candidates running for a variety of public offices and a panel discussion on future of public education. Here are some thoughts resulting from that panel discussion.

Everyone says they would like to see Milwaukee Public Schools strengthen. But are proponents of Public Schools, City, County and Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) officials willing to detach from the lures of big money that comes from privatizing education.

In the City of Milwaukee there are 727 schools K-12. In the Village of Pulaski WI there are 5 schools. However, in Milwaukee there are 39 Publicly Charter Schools and 553 Private Schools that accept public funded vouchers. There are no charter or voucher schools in Pulaski, only one private grade school and four public schools. However, education quality in Pulaski school system outshinea that received in Milwaukee public schools with small class size and major emphasis on creative education like music and art.

MPS, city and county officials accepting money intended to further privatize public education, despite any good intentions, are eroding public education in Milwaukee.

If MPS, City and County officials wanted to support public schools in Milwaukee would refuse State and private funds to encourage privatization of education and with UWM refuses to authorize any charter any schools receiving public money. Together they would work to limit the voucher program.

The chance of any elected officials, school board, city or county turning down State and private money to private’s education in Milwaukee is slim. I may be over simplifying the issue but the enemy is within. With corporation of MPS, City and County officials public schools will not be privatized. The more money accepted to privatize education the more it will be privatized. The only hope is that MPS, City and County officials say No to Money to privatize education and yes to public to education.


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