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“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” (Mark Twain)
I found this quote on the Nobody for President Facebook web page. It reflects a lot of my thoughts, especially after another 3 hour Republican ‘so called debate’ on CNN last night. I did not watch the debate but from the little bits I saw from TV news stories,it was another entertainment event to boost ratings and inflate Donald Trump. The more people that react against Trump the more the better the poll numbers are for him. All the awhile Hillary Clinton, whom I predicted almost a year ago would be the next President, wins more support and gets more big money from the people who determine who will be elected.
This might sound sarcastic, as does the quote from Twain, but it, sadly, is true. People do not like to hear that all these debates are not meaningful but I think most know deep in their heart, that it is true. Study after study has proven that the candidate with the most money wins the election 95% of the time. To hide the this fact the rich had made it hard to track the money. Political packs can spend large amounts of money without it being reported in campaign statements. And our own US Supreme Court have declared that ‘money’ is ‘free speech’, corporations are people and thus corporations and wealthy can give all they want and get their candidate in office.
So the ‘they’ of Twain’s quote is the ‘powers that be’ or the’ unspeakable’ or the 1% that control majority of wealth in USA. They use fear to manipulate and make us feel like we are doing something by voting.
Voting is important in a true democracy and can make a difference. Just look at Venezuela that after seventeen years of socialist in government just had the opposition parties win in a national election. When I was in Venezuela a few years ago I was shocked how much freedom the opposition had. One American resident of Venezuela told me recently there was too much freedom in this country. I was surprised how the opposition could speak and act out publicly against the government in ways that would put us in jail in the USA. One University student of the ‘elite’ class told me how he and others had blocked highways and done other disruptive actions without being arrested. When he was complaining about the control of central government I pointed out to him that we in the USA could not get away with the brazen acts he and his friends did without being arrested. In one village there was near unanimous agreement by people over a government project but the media controlled by the small wealthy class were attacking it viciously.
Maybe if voting made a difference I would vote. But for now I support Nobody for President
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