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“God resides in every human
form, indeed in every particle
of His creations, in everything
that is on earth.”
Mahatma Gandhi

In every major religion, in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, God is in all creation. St. Ignatius of Loyola called it Finding God in all creations; Gandhi stated that we are all brothers and sisters in God; Muslims believe that all things belong to God and everyone is required, according to wealth, to give alms to persons in need.

With this basic principle of major religions, God is in all, why is there so much greed, violence, war, intense poverty and mistreatment of God’s creation on earth? If we all are God’s creature why do we fight, steal and kill? For Christians why do we believe we are superior; for Muslims, why not respect all people and religions. For Israel, why not treat Palestinians with respect and dignity? What is it that causes so many that believe God is in all creation not to practice their faith in everyday life?

A friend today was talking about how he finds peace and solace at home and how I should not feel a need to do something about injustices all the time. I agree with him that we must try to strike a balance between activism and struggling for justice and pray and reflection. Being and doing must be balanced. We should not feel down or guilty for not doing something he said. I agree but pointed out that keeping silence in the face of evil is not acceptable, at least to me. We must Break the Silence.

Perhaps the first step to practice our faith of seeing God in all things is the seeing. If we see and hear God in all creation we would naturally be compassion and kind to all. The balance between being and doing would be natural if we saw and heard God in all creations. There would be no more war, greed or poverty on earth. God, open my eyes and ears to finding You in all creation.


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