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We in the Roman Catholic Church say we the people are the Church but in reality what we practice is that the hierarchical male priest system is really the Church. Supporting a woman Roman Catholic priest can get you excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church and the hierarchical male priest from the top down, from Pope to Bishops to priest, decide what we can do or not do as members of the Roman Catholic Church.

Today in cleaning our basement I found a bracelet with the letters W.W.J.D. on it. W.W.J.D., What Would Jesus Do, is a phrase that was really popular a few years ago. It was based on a fictional story of a minister than chose to work on his homily rather than helping a person in distress.

Asking the question in reference to today’s Roman Catholic Hierarchy I think Jesus would put ministering to people, especially persons in need, over legalistic concerns like who can be a priest and where the Church money should be spent.

Today there was an article in the newspaper that a Judge had, after four years, accepted the Catholic Archdiocese plan for bankruptcy resulting from the sexual abuse scandal in Milwaukee. The Archdiocese spent over 20 million dollars in legal fees and a good part of the 21 million for survivors will go to their lawyers. A spokesperson for the sexual abuse survivors pointed out the victims written claims for 100 offenders will remain under seal for the courts. The victims at the beginning only wanted the abusers and those who covered up to be held accountable and named. Now after all this money of Catholics in the Archdiocese spent, this will still not happen.

What would Jesus do in the church’s sexual abuse scandal? I believe he would have condemned the actions of the priest and let everyone know what happened.

The question What would Jesus do (WWJD) can be asked of many issues in the Catholic Church including how hard the Milwaukee Archdiocese has made it to be a Black Catholic The answer to What Would Jesus Do is this circumstances seems clear. But the question, WWJD, is no longer asked because we no longer want to hear the answer. Don’t ask WWJD and no one will tell.


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