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Tonight there was another debate among the Republican candidates for President. This is the third or fourth one and was sponsored by MSNBC, a so called ‘liberal’ news station owned by big corporate interest. I did not watch it but choose instead to have the World Series on TV in the background. I realize its entertainment and has little or nothing to do with electing a new President over a year from now but still find it offensive to American democracy. As Noam Chomsky says the quote in the picture “In the US, there is basically one party – the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies.”
As far as one can tell the ‘business party’ has selected Hillary Clinton as our next president and have the money and influence, like the so called debate tonight to make her president. In the meanwhile entertainment events like the debates tonight distract us, in much more serious and damaging way than sports, from the real issues of our times. The ‘business party’ keeps us busy thinking our ‘vote matters.’ Black Lives Matter but Voting does not in the current state of what we call ‘democracy’.
Today a 1.75 million dollar taxpayer funded, heavily secret, military air balloon got loose and few over 200 miles before finally deflated and collapsed. Today another million dollar project, a park, was announced for downtown Milwaukee to serve tourist and rich who live there. A society that claims to be serving the poor in Milwaukee area continues to invest millions of dollar in a suburb that has few poor. Today the General Assembly of the United Nations voted 191–2 to condemn the commercial, economic and financial embargo against Cuba, the highest number of votes ever for a measure. The two nations who voted against this resolution was the United States and Israel, a county who receives over 6 million dollars a day to keep up its military.
The business parties throw so many issues of greed, racism and injustice at us the temptation is to just give up, go along with the system, cast my vote feeling I am doing something and suffer the consequences.
Watching the World Series tonight I saw once again how a team composing of persons of different races and nationalities can work together for a victory. The One Party for All, the business party, may dominate money and politics but we are still, deep within, free.
See enlarged picture below.
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