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Today I was listening to a Public Radio show “Here and Now” and an interview with Britain’s former head of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). He was asked why young men and women in Britain and USA join terrorist groups like ISIS. He said it was, in his opinion, not so much an economic issue but of young adults feeling they do not fit into the society they live in, be it Saudi Arabia, US or Britain. Then he said something that applies to why young adults often turn to violence. He said that young adults who feel hopeless will often turn to violence, even senseless violence like homicides on our city streets or joining some hate or terrorist groups.

This afternoon I got notice that there will be four prayer vigils tomorrow morning for homicide victims in Milwaukee and five other homicide victims will be remembered. All four address of were the persons were killed was in, what I called the “Wall Off” area of North Central Milwaukee. This area which accounts for the greatest numbers of homicides in Milwaukee, with a record breaking year, is the poorest and most segregated part of town, with poorest public education system, poor absentee housing, and home to the largest group of incarcerated young men. North Central Milwaukee facing a growing impoverishment as low income African American are being pushed into area from downtown and other parts of the city. Now excusing any crime, I believe we can say that the hopelessness of African American males is a cause of violence, black on black.

Without hope what is left? When someone faces hopelessness and a lack of opportunity to better themselves it can breed violence.

Another name for the hopeless environment we are creating in Milwaukee is “racism.” Whatever you call it, hopelessness breeds violence.


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