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“If daily life is trying enough, why, frankly, should blacks have to constantly watch their step? Why should they constantly be subjected to a different set of bells and whistles merely because they are black?” (Long Way to Go, Black & White in America” by Jonathan Coleman)
These final words of this book are race relations seen through the window of Milwaukee haunt me. Long before I read the book I observed it was harder and harder to be poor and black. Instead of creating an environment where “it is easier to be good” our society seems determined to make it harder and harder to be poor and black.
On the news tonight it was announced how the process of getting ‘energy resistance’ for this winter. I have friends who receive ‘energy assistance’ and I have noticed how hard it is to get it, now there will be more hurdles.
The State, County and City, instead of working for the common good, seem determined to make it harder for low income persons, especially blacks to get basic rights, housing and food, health care. Even voting in Wisconsin has been made harder, requiring now a State ID. My friend, Lucille, 87, has voted all her life without a State ID. Now she can be denied the right to vote. The reason given for requiring State ID is prevent voter fraud. However, there has been no evidence that former system caused fraud. Blacks do not vote as much as whites and now it will be harder for people without driver’s licenses or other Voter ID to vote.
The “trickle-down theory” seems to be the way white justified making it harder for blacks. For example, the local St. Vincent de Paul, justifies spending four or more million dollars in the white suburbs to it can get money for the poor later on.
Politicians in government keep giving tax-cuts to rich with the idea they will invest more in the economy and stimulate it. Government are gave rich Wall street millionaires a Welfare Grant of 400 million (with interest) of our money in name of creating more jobs and business in Downtown area. It may benefit some but the low income African Americans in North Central Milwaukee will not share.
As whites throw more obstacles, hoops to jump, more bells and whistles at blacks a more explosive environment grows and race relations deteriorate. How hard can whites make it for black?
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