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When we were in the rolling hills of Crawford County last weekend the landscape was breathtaking. Hills covered with trees about to turn color, hills cover with crops for animals and hills covered with organic vegetables for humans were everywhere. The hills were green or fall gold. Roads went up hills and roads went down hills. The land was not flattened to make room for construction and human occupation.
Seeing the beauty of the land I can feel how hard it was for Native Americans who live as one with nature to be forced out to make room for the white citizens occupying the land. The new invaders had guns and Native Americans were no competition this white human invaders and agreed or were forced into reservations on land not so fertile or productive.
I am reminded how African Americans were seduced or forced to move from downtown area and near north and west side. These citizens of United States had a heritage much older than the white settlers and their families. African Americans can trace their heritage to Africans who were brought here as slaves many years ago. The whites had the power of life or death over the slaves and after the slaves were ‘freed’ they kept control.
If you look at the city of Milwaukee today you can see that African-Americans are still segregated, especially the poor. The white suburbs have passed laws keeping those in need, especially African Americans out. Transportation systems between suburbs, where jobs are available and parts of city are poor. Racism and the individualism rebound in the USA. Bring back the rolling hills
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