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Ghost Peppers from our
front yard garden

Ghost Peppers you are hot and very hot.
In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the ghost pepper was the world’s hottest chili pepper,
401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce.
In 2012 the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion was discovered
And you were replaced as world’s hottest pepper,
Only to see your title passed onto the Carolina Reaper,
A pepper that is a cross breed between you and red habanero.

So now you are the third hottest pepper but who cares,
You are still too hot for almost all human beings to eat.
Only the very brave eat you straight.

I grow you not for myself,
You are so hot that just picking you leaves by eyes sting.
But I have a friend who told me some years ago you were the hottest pepper
And he can eat you straight.
So for my friend I grow you Ghost Peppers.

Now your past fame as caught on the restaurant world.
Red Robbin restaurants sells Ghost Pepper Hamburgers
And Taco Bell has ghost pepper loaded grillers.
Now you and I know these meals are not made with Ghost Peppers straight,
But with a heavily watered down sauce made from you.
Now you can say they have food honoring their hotness.

Yes, Ghost Pepper you are very, very hot,
Too hot for me but I can grow you and that is good.


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