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I read or heard a brain doctor recently talk about how we are becoming abdicated to digital devices, phones, tablets, computers etc. I have noticed this myself and find that at times when questions come up in conversations they are limited when someone pulls out their digital smart phone and looks up the ‘web’ answers. This pheromone of turning to digital devices thru out the day I call “Instantity” (In-stant ity). Instantity is the seeking of instant information or gratification. I have noticed that at times people take information from a digital device over a statement of a person or one’s own experience. As someone humorously pointed out “computers are always right.”

This addiction of instantity in Milwaukee is limited to middle class or rich, mostly white folks. When I am in the world of the poor and marginalized I see cell phones but people do not have access to email or internet, except perhaps in the library. Access to the digital world cost as I am reminded each month when I get my ATT bill for my digital connections, TV, cell phones, house phone, network access and more.

I find myself dependent on these devices, for calling, writing, emailing, seeking information, entertainment, research and posting on my web site like I am doing now.

Digital Devices are a tools just like many things in life. But getting dependent on them, just like with alcohol or drugs, can be addicted. So next time you hear the word ‘instandity’ remember you first heard it here on this posting from my digital device to yours.


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