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Whoever shuts their ears to the
cry of the poor will also cry out
and not be answered. ~Proverbs 21:13
In the second reading of today’s liturgy from the Letter of James the author asks the “Followers of the Way” to show no partiality as they adhere to the faith in Jesus Christ. He says, by way of example that “if a man with gold rings, fine clothes comes into your assembly and a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes” and ignore the poor person you are becoming “judges with evil designs.” (James 2: 1–5)
Then he reminds the “followers of the way”, Jesus, that God chose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that was promised to those who love God.
This passage reminds me of the way the Milwaukee St. Vincent de Paul, City, County and State officials treat the poor, especially Blacks and Hispanics. They pay lip service to helping poor and segregated neighborhoods of Milwaukee but spend money and praise on wealthy. The Mayor says he is concerned with the growing impoverishment of neighborhoods of Blacks and Hispanics but he supports the spending of $400 million dollars (with interest) of taxpayers to build a new arena in the growing wealthy of downtown Milwaukee for the Wall Street owners of the professional basketball team. The elite group of St. Vincent de Paul say they are spending four million plus of “money belonging to the poor” on a suburban store so they can make money to help the poor. The Governor who is busy running for President just ignores the growing poverty of certain neighborhoods while cutting education funds and taxes for all accept the poor. They all are paying attention to white middle and upper class and looking down on the needy. The assembly follows these leaders and does not hear the message of James letter.
One of my friends, a very wise elder, says we are returning to slavery, where the ‘masters’ knew what was best for improvised slaves. I did not agree with her at first but the more I look, the more I hear the cry of the poor, the more I see the racism built into structures of Milwaukee, the more I agree. We have seen this story in the 70’s and 90’s, the poor being suppressed until they finally lash out at the oppressor or just give up. Only if we could hear the Cry of the Poor in our hearts!
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