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As a young man I tried to be colorblind,
But could not be, since inner prejudices
Were in me and would not leave no matter how hard I tried.
As I grew older I realized that in our society
Being aware of the color of a person’s skin
Was the first step to overcoming prejudice and racism?
Now I am old and see the various colors of human beings.
I now see people in black, white, brown and all colors of the rainbow.
Now I can understand that “Black lives Matter”.
This understanding does not take away my belief
That all human lives matter but enhances it.
We need to see color before overcoming our own racism.
Today we took our godson and his brother, racially mixed, to a professional baseball game.
I saw in the stands predominately a white audience and on the field African-Americans, Hispanics and Whites baseball players.
Friday I went to a block party in North Central Milwaukee
Where I was the only white person among African-Americans, young and old.
Today I went to my Catholic Church and saw about 75% white people attending mass, about 20% black and about 5% of other races.
Seeing in color enriches life and helps me to understand
“Black Lives Matter” without saying “All lives matter.”
The Mayor of Milwaukee wants to spend millions equipping police with cameras
That catch the policeman in action.
The cameras will see people in colors,
And hopefully the police can see people in color and not pretend to be colorblind.
The white owners of the Milwaukee Bucks are getting a major welfare grant
Of hundreds of millions to build a new area in the heart of white downtown Milwaukee.
One of the white owners also owns a mortgage company that owns homes in North Central Milwaukee,
And now is giving money to city to avoid mortgage defaults and restore houses.
Maybe if the white Bucks owners, the white mayor, white police chief and white City Council President
Could see the color of people they would realize that all this is fine and good,
But if they took money from the new arena, from cameras and housing grants
And invested it into people of color in a predominately African American North Central Milwaukee and predominately Hispanic in South Central Milwaukee,
They could significantly make structural change in the city in poor housing, poor education, poverty, high unemployment, and family breakdowns
That create an environment of violence, poverty and racism and the increasing concentration of poverty in these areas.
Many poor people of color can see the color of people
And would know better than whites of what to do with all that money.
Seeing the color of people opens our worlds.
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