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When I was still a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, (SVDP), in good standing I was allowed to attend Executive Board meetings and to talk when I was told I could talk. At one of the meetings the treasurer of the Board was talking about how investing millions of dollars in the suburbs of Greenfield for a thrift store would produce a return on investment. When I was allowed to speak, I challenged him to show how such a store would make a return on the investment. He said that information was propriety and only executive board members, staff and hired consultants could see it. I asked the board members present if they had seen this secret plan of how the store would make a return on such a large investment of “money belonging to the poor.” No one raised their hand. (Maybe the President of the Council did??)
When I was in the business word as a publisher of a direct mail advertising we sold ads to businesses of all types, funeral homes to fast food restaurants. In my sales presentation I had a formula that showed what it would take in sales to make a return on the investment of an ad in our magazine. Since our direct mail advertising magazine used coupons the results were easy to measure. If a business person did not make a good return on investment on the ad, they might buy another ad, but if they did and it did not produce they would usually not try again. Fortunately our magazine produced profitable results and I was able to consistently sell the same business over and over again.
At the next SVDP board meeting one of the board members, the former District Attorney of Milwaukee, a friend, said he had read the document about how the heavy investment in the Greenfield Store would produce money to serve the needy. I asked him about it. He replied that he read it but did not understand it. He is one of three members of the board that has raise over $600,000 for the Society with most of it, $500, 000 going to Greenfield store.
By what the central staff has revealed over four million dollars of money belonging to poor, has been invested in the Greenfield store already. (See Chart below). After six months of store operation it seems like the store is no way sustainable yet along profitable. Even if there is a ‘trickle down’ in the future the Greenfield store is a money hole that like another venture of central staff in 1995 to form a social agency will take money from the poor before it ends. The poor are saying “Enough, No More of Our Money for the Greenfield store.” The mission of a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift store is “Serving Christ’s needy is the primary goal of all St. Vincent De Paul Stores.”
Four million dollars of money belong to the poor invested in Greenfield store.
3.2 million dollars of loans from Securant Bank and Investment firm managing SVDP Trust Fund.
Interest on two loans $160, 000 per year
$500, 000 of Money being raised in present campaign
Payment In Leiu of Taxes PILOT) to City of Greenfield $15, 000 per year
Property Management Fees $37, 940 per year
Condo Association Fees $15, 000 per year
Compensation (40 employees) and Operating Cost for Greenfield Store not covered by sales.
Equals -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Four Million Dollars Plus of Money Belonging to Poor
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