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As the homicide rate in Milwaukee soars there is daily new statement, initiatives by Mayor, police chief, community leaders and clergy. Most agree that the long term solution is eliminating poverty, racial segregation, poor education, lack of mental health hospital facility, family breakdown and high unemployment but rather than deal with this structural changes to our society everyone is looking for a quick fix, more policemen, more patrols in troubled areas, neighborhood organization taking control, blaming parents, short term programs etc.
I was lamenting at prayer vigil the lack of concern for long term solutions to the program when someone I dearly respect answered she had heard of the Mayor and community leaders and had hope in that effort. I tried to say, gently, that looking to Mayor or any officials is not the answer.
One of the reasons I am attracted to the poor’s struggle against “money belonging to poor” of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) being used to fund a store serving the suburbanites is because that is concrete way of changing the system of care of the local Society. As I wrote in the proposal and the parable Thy Kingdome Come on Earth as it is in Heaven providing needy families with beds, a stove and refrigerator would not only be an act of mercy but a way to make systematic change. Families could sleep comfortable at night; parents would have a way to store food and to cook it, all things missing the many families living below the poverty line in Milwaukee. The Church I addressed the original proposal took the million dollars plus they made after the closure and sale of another Catholic church, my church, in the Archdiocese and gave it to bankers to put it away in trust fund for ‘future use.’
The mayor, Archbishop, president of Milwaukee, Police chief and Sheriff of Milwaukee, President of local St. Vincent de Paul Society, all Catholics, can talk all they want and prosecute all they want, but until they hear the “cry of the poor”. All people like me can do is to join our voices to the “cry of the poor”, doing works of mercy and of resistance until enough people ‘wake up’ and hear the cry of the poor and work together to make a difference now and long term.
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