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“The rich cannot accumulate wealth without the co-operation of the poor in society.” (M.K. Gandhi, “The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi” p. 271).

This was the daily quote from Gandhi I received from India today. I have seen this quote before but find it timely since recently I have seen how a little bit of the power of the poor when they organize. See No Room in SVDP Store for the Poor. The Poor People’s Picket last Saturady was a small group from North and South Central Milwaukee; imagine what it would be like with 100 on the picket line and milling with the public Grand Opening. As it was, they had more policemen present than poor when the move was made to make us move off the property or be arrested.

The problem is that one friend, poor herself pointed on, is making the poor believe they have such power. As was said in yesterday’s posting War is the Creation of Individuals not Nations. To make money off of war the rich need the poor and middle class to fight the wars and make the weapons. It seems like in this age of “endless wars” the pace of rich getting richer, one percent, has rapidly increase.

However, it is not only wars that make money for rich. Keep the poor in Milwaukee penned in on the North Central side (African American) and South Central Milwaukee (Hispanic) is making some persons rich. Around here in the early 90’s our rapid transportation system of trolleys and trains was torn down and replace with a major movement for road construction that remains today. It is not by chance that the road contractors are the biggest lobbyist and donators to the politicians at State level. Although the State builds more and bigger roads for people to come in the city for cultural arts, sports, gambling or dinning, our city infrastructure is falling apart.

The very rich also have convinced many in the middle class that they too can be rich like them and America is still the land of opportunity where everyone can be whatever they want to be. Of course you must look down on the poor and marginalized to get to this opportunity. You got be part of the “Exceptional” persons, those who know better what is right for poor and marginalized. You can donate money to a charity; even work a meal program without mingling with poor. Count how many ‘friends we have that are truly poor or marginalized.

Times when the poor and middle class realize how much power they have used to be met with opposition or resistance by the rich. This denial of rights or conflict help the poor understands their real power. Nowadays the rich and powerful, “powers that be”, do not deny the protest of poor or middle class; they just ignore any movement of people and, if need be, marginalize or co-opt the leaders.

If poor and middle class joined together and use the ‘power of the poor’ the line of Mary’s, Mother of God, in her song of praise, the Magnificat, will come true: “God has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree.” (Luke 1:52)


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