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My most recent mug shot

I am alive and well. Some, like me will be glad to hear this news, and some may not. We were driving back from a visit to our son and his family tonight when I got a call from one of my good friends that just heard I was dead and my funeral was tomorrow. I assured him I was alive and well. When I got home I called the person that told him that I died. She is the phone coordinator of a Faith In Recovery dinner group that meets once a month for dinner. She got a call from another member of the group saying I had died and the funeral was tomorrow. She had thought the notice was short and so called my friend who called me. Fortunately, he was the only one that she called so the story might not have been spread so far.

Nevertheless I check the Sunday obituaries in the newspaper tonight to make sure I was not in there. There was another member of supper group, who I did not know too well, who had died last Tuesday and whose funeral is tomorrow. I had heard about his death from another member of group last week.

Now some of you, probably very few, have noticed I have not made any entries into the Diary of the Worm on this site. Well that was not because I was dead but just preparing for our 18th nonviolent action at the new St. Vincent de Paul store in Greenfield and after Saturday recovering from the racism we faced, direct as well as indirect. I plan to write about the experience and my tentative title of article is “No Room for the Poor at SVDP thrift store.” But you must wait for a day or two for this story which even features a picture of a police officer escorting Ms. Lucille Berrien, 87 years old, justice and peace activist off the property of the store that supposedly serves the poor.


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