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My two grandsons played drums in the Pulaski High Band for the national anthem of today’s Milwaukee Brewers baseball game. My wife, granddaughter and I looked on in the lower grandstand. It was just this one song but it was impressive since this band has played at a Milwaukee Buck’s basketball game and Green Bay Packer football game within the last year. They are good and even play at the Outback bowl last New Year’s day in Florida that featured the Wisconsin football team winning the game. The Brewers also won today so if you are a big time professional or college team, just invite the Pulaski band to play and be a winner.
Small moments like the playing of national anthem today can be important. The national anthem brings alive for me the long wars we have fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think of all the American men and women who have died and been injuring in these wars and all the innocent lives that have been lost. Both countries are worst off now than when we invaded them and after we leave, whenever that may be, will most likely go back to a more oppressive government than the one we overthrew. One lesson we learned in Vietnam that USA pretends to forget is that when you invade the country and you are fighting on one side in a civil war you cannot win. No amount of force will ever suppress the people you are fighting when they are from the country you have invaded.
Much money is made by war by arms and natural resources like oil, but the invading force will always loose, if not right away, in time.
When I think of the young men and women who lost their lives in these two wars, one I knew personally, I can see that all the honoring of soldiers who “gave their lives for our freedom” can never cover up the truth, war is hell and everyone is a looser. Three times during the baseball game a veteran of the wars was honored. People stood and clapped as probably well they should. My heart hurt for those killed and injured and I do not have the courage to say the truth, the wars are in vain.
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