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Tristan and the dogs
Tomorrow Sister Rose has scheduled two more prayer vigils at sites of homicide victims. We pray or sing in whatever way we are moved at these prayer vigils. If family members and friends are present, Sister Rose will ask them to say something positive they remember about the person. Almost all the time they talk about the person’s sense of humor, smile or funny incidents. Remembering the funny is not just true for homicide victims.
Last Monday, was the birthday of our deceased son. Talking about him in the car, Pat and I remembered that a great sense of humor he had before he got sick in his early twenties with a brain illness or mental illness. He could remember jokes and had a cutting sense of humor that made you laugh at yourself.
My other son and his family are putting down their dog of nine years tomorrow. He has some cancer in his system that is breaking down his organs. He is at home hospice care now but the pain is become too great. Remembering this dog, Anya, I need to smile. She was full of life and any food left out when she was around was in danger of being eaten. If you forgot about the ham or pie on the table, she would take it down. It did not always seem funny at the time but now looking back it is. Until she became sick she was always a very hyper dog, wanting to go outside to run and run.
My son’s family got Anya when she was a puppy. The picture above is one of my godson, Tristin, playing with Anya and her sisters and brothers. Most puppies are playful and active; Anya just stayed that way her whole life to the end.
Anya’s death is by natural causes. The two young men who we will remember tomorrow morning died from unnatural causes; they were shot. The violence in the city of Milwaukee has been high this year. The same old, same old remedies, like more police in high crime neighborhoods, are not working. There is a lot of blame and a lot of talk about the homicide rate but few are willing to attack the root causes of violence, poor education, high incarceration, discrimination and poverty. The city just keep pushing poor people into certain defined neighbors, racially segregated with high unemployment.
The deaths of homicide victims like the death of the city are from unnatural causes, man-made causes. It is hard to laugh at this man-made disaster. But in the darkest moments of death we need to smile and move on. We if we can face death all around us and still laugh, we can survive.
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