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Working Together We Can Do It.

Tonight I was sorting through the pictures of the two St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Thrift stores and contrasting them. Wow, the pictures say it all. The store in Milwaukee, where the poor live and shop lacks variety and quality of items. The SVDP Thrift Store in the suburb is full of variety and quality of items. So much for purpose of SVDP thrift stores is “to serve the needy.” I will publish these pictures on this site soon.

I was reminded that I have used a lot of pictures, in the past, on this web picture. I have not updated my own photo gallery, Bob’s Photo Gallery since 2013. My articles and posting have become wordy and not used pictures. Pictures cut more to heart than words. New summer resolution: Use More Pictures and Less Words on

Here is one sent to me via Facebook that you might have already seen. The picture says a lot more than about ants.


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