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Although these days I try to be positive the news brings me down. Here is some news we can live without.

Pentagon sending 2,000 anti-tank weapons to Iraq These anti-tank-weapons are needed following the rout of U.S.-backed forces in Ramadi by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The fleeing Iraqi forces once again left weapons, like US supplied tanks behind to be used by ISIS. Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said that as of April 9 the U.S. had spent 2.1 billion since it began bombing in Iraq in August.

Israeli settlers reportedly chop down 800 Palestinian olive trees. There are over 500,000 Israeli settlers living in settlements across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Wisconsin is the 7th “drunkest” State in the United States. Total alcohol consumed per capita: 3,010 gallons, Beer consumed per capita: 1,450 gallons, Wine consumed per capita: 380 gallons, Spirits consumed per capita: 1,180 gallons

Website ranks Wisconsin as ‘worst state for black Americans’ This includes Wisconsin with the highest rate of incarceration of African American males.

Wisconsin’s black children remain trapped in poverty, study says The state ranks last in the country in the overall well-being of African-American children based on an index of 12 measures that gauge a child’s success from birth to adulthood, according to a new report being released Wednesday by the Wisconsin Council on Children & Families.

Wal-Mart Selling Sacramento Municipal Water At Huge Mark-Upin California worst drought. Also Nestle continues stealing World’s Water During Drought in California.


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