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Today I overreacted when I went to a Common Council committee meeting that was supposed to be a routine approval of a reconstruction of our street. The alderman who was representing the view of the majority of homeowners gave a half hearten approval of the proposed plan and the one residential homeowner who opposes the plan gave a statement opposing the road renovation for now. I felt compelled to talk but the chairman of the committee kept asking me if I supported the proposal or not. I said yes and kept going but finally ended without saying what I wanted to say. I stood up to leave the chair and immediately the meeting went on to another issue. I asked why they did not vote on the proposal and the chairman said they did and in a blink of the eye it had been approved. I went it to the hallway and found the homeowner who opposed the plan talking with our alderman. I patiently waited for him to finish and went to ask him a question as he rushed back to the meeting room. I shouted out if this was the final obstacle to obstacles put in our way on this reconstruction. He shouted back ‘No’ and went out the room. Later his assistant cleared up the matter by saying the proposal had to go to Common Council. I knew this and also know that approval is automatic if the reconstruction is in the budget and alderman in the area wants it. Our alderman is also chairman of the Common Council and thus has more power.
One remark he made during the hearing gave me particular concern. When talking about his original idea that people rejected and the one he, with approval of people was making, was that he was recognizing democracy. I believe democracy is not what happened in getting this proposal for our street so far. The alderman was pushing his own plan while pretending to be responsive to us. He still was today. This makes me fear the plan will somehow get sidetracked as the lone opponent asked for today.
I would love a world that working together, even with our conflicts and different opinions, we could get together and struggle to achieve the best for everyone, even the least. This would be a world where despite our difference we love one another and work together in government for the common good. But this is not the air we breathe. The air we breathe in America is full of pollutants, competitiveness, exceptionalism, power and glory.
I allow this kind of air, like this morning, bother me. I am getting better at just saying what I have to say and doing what I have to do and letting things go. But I have a ways to go. I cannot let the air we breathe take my life over and control me. I need to respond not to react.
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