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Eviction of Blessed Poor
in North Central Milwaukee
Blessed Be the People of the North and South Central City of Milwaukee,
Blessed Be the People in the Central City who struggle for food, when food stamps are cut for the elderly, ill and unemployed.
Blessed Be the People in the Central City that have the courage to stand up for human rights where there right are violated.
Blessed be the People in the Central City who live with children poverty and death, which is rising in USA and in poor cities like Milwaukee, the second poorest in USA.
Blessed be the People in the Central City who have landlords that no longer provide stoves and refrigerators and do not eliminate beg bugs.
Blessed be the People in the Central City who live with abandoned or vacant houses on the block owned and neglected by absentee landlords, private or city.
Blessed Be the People in the Central City who are constantly profiled, stopped and check by police.
Blessed Be the People in the Central City who lack transportation, cannot find work or work at low paying jobs.
Blessed Be the People in the Central City who are often blamed for the violence and crime that results from a breakdown of neighborhood and families.
Blessed Be the People in the Central City who live with increasing underfunded public educational system that does not give children the opportunities other children enjoy.
Blessed Be the People of Central City who watch the City move them away from downtown to spend millions of dollars on trolley and improving the lakefront to serve the rich who now can only afford to live downtown.
Blessed Be the People in Central City who act out nonviolently for justice and peace in an extremely neglected environment.
Blessed be People in Central City, especially the young adults, Black and Brown, who face increasing criminalization and incarceration.
Blessed Be the People in Central City and their victims who, in anger and frustration, act out with senseless acts of violence.
Blessed Be the People in Central City who provide food and health care for the hungry and sick.
God gives all his blessings and grace to poor and marginalized.
Woe to you landlords in the Central city who in the name of profits neglect the people who live in your houses.
Woe to you Societies and Organizations that raise money in name of poor but who do not invest in the people of the central city.
Woe to you who profile and isolate people in the Central City.
Woe to you politicians who develop areas of the city but not in the Central City.
Woe to you that call people in central city names and blame them but who not offer opportunities or friendship.
Woe to you who create an ugly environment in Central City and blame the people for the mess.
Repent you sinners and set straight the Way of Jesus and do the Will of God.
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