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Part of our fence in the backyard was falling. The middle part of fence was leaning. I did not want to put up a new fence like I did on the other side of the yard when the fence fell down so I called my friend Joe. Joe is an all around handy man, like my father was before he suffered Alzheimer. He can fix plumping, built fence waterproof floor and a number of other endeavors that can be expensive. With one store to Home Repair store and about an hour of work I now have a strong fence, not falling or bending.

One of the neighbors who supported the reconstruction of our street which took us three years to come up an acceptable plan wrote today that he had a change of heart after our public meeting and was now circulating a petition to stop the reconstruction. He said he could wait another five years to start the discussion again that took us three years to do. My response was that I am too old and the street is in terrible shape and unsafe to wait another five or eight years for possible money to be there. In five or eight years I will be near eighty and maybe have great grandchildren rather than grandchildren.

Maybe, like my father, I will have Alzheimer by that time and all the hassles we went through these last three years will no longer be remembered by me.

I have a friend whose memory is slipping and he, despite the concern of all his friends, is driving. I feel helpless in this situation. I saw with my dad what a role memory plays in everything we do, even driving which we had done for many years.

My wife says I say ‘I forgot’ a lot these days when remembering or am reminded of things I said I would do and did not. So I have replaced ‘I forgot’ with ‘I remember’. Problem solved.

What was this posting all about? I remember. It was about a fence fixing friend.


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