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I receive solicitations for money not only from non-profit charitable organization but from organizations advocating on a particular issue. As we get more issues, more wars and injustice, thrown at us, the number of request for money increases. Now organizations are using current events for fundraising. The other day I received a request for funds from a well respected organization asking for money so they can fight the expected Republican objection to the projected treaty of USA and Iran over Iran’s nuclear program. Today I got an email from a well known political organization asking for funds to make what is called “Automatic Voting Registration” happen here in Wisconsin as it has in a few other states. The “opt out option” would allow everyone to register and vote using data from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Is this liberal organization aware that the new Wisconsin law requiring voter ID in terms of Wisconsin license or ID just passed its court test, and is on its way?
I try to be selective on who I donate to and what comments I put on facebook. However, the more I respond to any organization I feel is serving the poor, stopping wars or advocating on justice issues the more request I get. Being selective is not enough.
The Democratic nominee for the next President of the USA, Hilary Clinton, probably the only Democratic candidate, will officially announce tomorrow through social media her candidacy. One of the reasons I could never vote for her or her husband is the terrible things they did in Haiti. Ironically a Haitian political party formed in February, 2014, KOD stated recently they are not opposed to elections in Haiti but will not vote until the President, selected by USA, and MINUSTAH, the UN occupying force, leave the country. They point to the elections of 2010–2011, “rigged by the Clintons”. KOD claims “the electoral bone is to prevent the people from struggling to change their reality.” From what I have read, experienced and observed elections are a shame in Haiti just like they were in Honduras election in 2013.
Tonight at dinner, a friend asked me if I voted in recent election for Judge of Supreme Court and referendum changing the selection of chief judge. I did not vote but knew the results of the elections before they happened. The progressive judge, already on the court, spent the most money and easily won. The conservative side, who wanted to change the selection of the Chief Judge, spent the money on the referendum and they won. A friend on facebook wondered how two contrary votes could take place on the same ballot. I commented that ‘money wins’ in 95% plus of all elections but no one wanted to hear that. Most want to think that voting matters and we change the system by the electoral process.
In the USA as in Haiti elections are rigged, although in USA it is not as obvious as in Haiti. But the results are the same, the ‘electoral masquerade’ continues.
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