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This dead grass is going to rise
From Good Friday until today, Easter Sunday, I spent time with my son and his family up north. The family lives in a rural area. Around my son’s house. a large lawn, grass, has been nurtured and is green and well groomed in the spring and summer. But for now, Good Friday and Holy Saturday it is brown. It looks dead but we all know that as soon as the warm and sun come to stay for awhile it will turn green and the grass grow. This makes a good metaphor for Holy Week. What is dead, Jesus, rises again, as predicted, in three days on Resurrection Sunday.
My life has a lot of death spots, big ones like the death of my youngest son, to little ones like being rejected. But from my faith and from working with the earth I know the seed or grass must die so he can be resurrected again. I do not believe history is cyclic but I do believe life events, like suffering a defeat and enjoying a victory, like the grass, is cyclic. History evolves and moves on but nature has its repeats and swings. We must learn from history so not to make the same mistake over and over again. However, in nature and life we must dig deep, be willing to face suffering and death for life, like the grass, to be renewed.
Easter is tied in with the full moon and spring and although there is no exact match, we know, just like the dark and cold of the winter will fade into spring, our downs and low moments, if we are faithful to our nature, will also grow into new life and growth.
We know that dead grass will rise again and that the sorrow and sadness of our lives will bring the spring of joy and new life.
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