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As I grow older I find winter more and more ‘the winter of discontent.’ Without the sun everything seems dreary. The feeling of tiredness and feeling lousy takes over. Trying to make something positive of what life brings, this year I tried to look at the positive side of winter.
Feeling tired and unmotivated gives one a certain amount of detachment. Saying “so what” has a certain amount of perspective in it. Trivia things do not seem so worrisome when you are finding it hard to get motivated to do anything.
Another positive side of the ‘winter of discontent’ is it is easier to endure things you might otherwise find a waste of time. “What does it matter” helps keep things going. Seeing the good in the boring is a little easier.
The darkness and cold of winter offer hope. We know deep down that the cold, snow and darkness will be following by spring of hope. I am not sure how you deal with this aspect in Alaska?
Winter is a good time to rest. Getting some good sleep, some solid dreaming has some benefits for days to come.
Stories of war and violence seem more real in the winter. It is harder to be complacent in the cold.
When it is cold warmth is much appreciated. I think of people I know that keep the heat down in the house to save energy and heating bills. I have the luxury of heat I can afford.
Crawling under the covers going to be on cold nights brings out an attitude of gratitude.
Hot soup, warm drinks and hot and spicy food have more zest in the winter months.
Politicians who talk and talk but do nothing can be seen easier, I think, in the winter as been all sound and fury but hollow.
So Father Winter, Bring It On, your cold, snow and darkness. I am ready to deal with the ‘winter of discontent, at least for a little while.
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