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Sad scene from Civil War
in Syria
Today, two friends and I assisted in removing salvageable items from an burnt our house of an elderly person. The three of us are 73, 72 and 67 and have worked together for years struggling against the militarism and teaching of killing at Marquette University. So here are the three of us, older persons, peace activities, helping an 86 year woman saved some of her stuff from her long life. What is right about this picture? It is right and illustrates the point of last night’s posting, demonstrating how works of mercy keep us resisting. Tomorrow two or three of us will be out on the street at Marquette protest ROTC military program.
Two other events stood out for me today. One is a video of police shooting a man who steps out of a car unarmed with his hands up and is shot. There might be circumstance justifying the killing but looking at the video one must state the shooting of unarmed black men by police must end. What about this picture. It is wrong!
Last night the President of United States again called for “Fast Track” trade authority of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), denying public access to the ‘free trade’ agreement and giving congress only limited access. Other ‘fast tract’ agreements like North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) while profitable to businesses, hundreds of official corporate trade advisers, who have access but disastrous to people involved in the nations with the trade agreements. What about this picture? It is wrong.
When looking at history it is easier to see how peoples and nations made right moves or wrong moves. What seems to be harder these days is to apply these lessons to present. After the Vietnam War no one could imagine that we would be involved in wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We know what Jesus says is the Way to God in the Gospel, love your enemy and treat the least among us as we would want to be treated. It seems so simple that even a child can easily grasp these points. But as we grow up as a society and individually it seems harder and harder to just “do the right thing.”
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