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Predator launching a Hellfire

Here is a day nightmare.

Drone in my Gut

There is a missile from a Drone in my gut,
Trying to get to its programmed target,
A house behind me, full of women, children
And men. As I try to hold the missile back,
A handful of American soldiers behind me
I noticed near the house; I think, “we are saved.”
Only to hear the officer in charge yell “fire!”
And all the solders fire reflexively
Into the house without thought;
Killing everyone within.

After the soldiers leave, I move aside for the
Missile to do what it is programmed to do:
Destroy the house and everyone in it.
For now they are already dead.
I slowly turn around to see the missile
From the drone in my gut hit the target.
The neighbors come running from out of nearby
Houses to examine the carnage; but,
No one in the house there is left alive.

I feel another missile from a Drone,
Gnawing, clawing its way through my gut.
I cannot stop it and suddenly behind me
I feel another drone missile coming and
It strikes the forsaken house and
All the villagers looking over the ruins.
It’s like a scene near the end of the
Hunger Games Trilogy
Where, after a battle, the rescuers
Are killed by a second missile.

But this is no novel or movie, this is real.
Programmed missiles, programmed soldiers
Killing real people:
Iraqis, Afghans, Pakistanis and Yemenis.
Not knowing what to do I can only cry out,
“Stop this insanity of missiles sent
By Our White House, with
Soldiers trained at Our universities
On how to kill innocent people on orders.”

A few hear my cry; but the killing goes on,
I weep and I weep till my tears are near dry,
Till I feel another drone missile in my gut
Gnawing and clawing its way out for a killing.

by Bob Graf with revisions from Joe Jradoszewski


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