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It is hard to stay focused on just a few issues of justice and peace when there is so many. But the more there is, as the ‘powers that be’ know, the more we become divided and social justice becomes like the rest of your life, “my thing and your thing.” Sometimes I feel like yelling “People let us get together, struggling and talking about your issue and my issue just divides us.” Together we will overcome but getting together is becoming harder and harder.

This new year of 2015 I am trying to present my message on a few issues in a positive manner. So instead of saying Marquette University stop teaching war and killing I may say Marquette live up to the values and mission of the University by respecting the dignity of human life and conscience. Rather than say Milwaukee is racism I could say I could say people of Milwaukee do not be afraid to embrace your neighbors be they white, black or Latino.

Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement used to say that we could end homelessness if everyone that could took in one homeless person or family in their house. Practicing the Works of Mercy, as Jesus taught, us could make systematic changes in this country without the government. When you take the “one person revolution” and combine it with working together you have a one-two punch that could solve many of our ills.

But the powers to be know that the way to keep us divided is to present many concerns and issues at one time, not encouraging dialog and joint action.
I have known for quite a while that I could not change the world but only myself but recently I have become to realize how sinful and harmful it is to allow one’s self to be focus of the change required. The message gets lost as the messenger gets marginalized. But rather than give up and ‘do nothing’ as many have done one can make revolutionary changes in one’s own actions.

People of Milwaukee unite, change yourself and join with others for change. Join forces on a few issues and then move on to new ones. With the one person revolution and working together we can make change.


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