“If daily life is trying enough, why, frankly, should blacks have to constantly watch their step? Why should they constantly be subjected to a different set of bells and whistles merely because they are black?” (Long Way to Go, Black & White in America” by Jonathan Coleman)
These final words of this book are race relations seen through the window of Milwaukee haunt me. Long before I read the book I observed it was harder and harder to be poor and black. Instead of creating an environment where “it is easier to be good” our society seems determined to make it harder and harder to be poor and black.
On the news tonight it was announced how the process of getting ‘energy resistance’ for this winter. I have friends who receive ‘energy assistance’ and I have noticed how hard it is to get it, now there will be more hurdles.
The State, County and City, instead of working for the common good, seem determined to make it harder for low income persons, especially blacks to get basic rights, housing and food, health care. Even voting in Wisconsin has been made harder, requiring now a State ID. My friend, Lucille, 87, has voted all her life without a State ID. Now she can be denied the right to vote. The reason given for requiring State ID is prevent voter fraud. However, there has been no evidence that former system caused fraud. Blacks do not vote as much as whites and now it will be harder for people without driver’s licenses or other Voter ID to vote.
The “trickle-down theory” seems to be the way white justified making it harder for blacks. For example, the local St. Vincent de Paul, justifies spending four or more million dollars in the white suburbs to it can get money for the poor later on.
Politicians in government keep giving tax-cuts to rich with the idea they will invest more in the economy and stimulate it. Government are gave rich Wall street millionaires a Welfare Grant of 400 million (with interest) of our money in name of creating more jobs and business in Downtown area. It may benefit some but the low income African Americans in North Central Milwaukee will not share.
As whites throw more obstacles, hoops to jump, more bells and whistles at blacks a more explosive environment grows and race relations deteriorate. How hard can whites make it for black?
For a number of years I was fighting the removal of full court basketball playing in the County Park across the street which some neighbors wanted to stop when African American males joined the Asians and Whites who were using the full basketball court for years. Eventually those of us fighting discrimination against African American youth lost. It was after that I learned from the President of the ACLU about ‘recreation redlining”. I did some research last summer but sent the letter to ACLU, Country Executive, County Park Director, Mayor and others today.
Wednesday, September 291, 2015
Dear Mr.
Awhile back after a MICAH event we had a brief discussion about my concern that basketball courts were being taken down at Doyne Park because young adult African American males were playing basketball at the park. Two of the four poles, backboards and rims have been removed leaving not only full court basketball playing impossible but availability of basketball low. (See Resurrect the Rims for history and update) You mentioned that day about the concept of “recreational relining.”
The African American youth playing basketball in the park had told me they had come to Doyne to play because other full court basketball courts had been removed by City, Public Schools and County Park. I started to do research about how many full basketball courts were left, outside of the segregated, improvised area of North Central Milwaukee, (North Ave. to Silver Spring, 60th street to Milwaukee River.) See M.A.P.S..
Researching the city and MPS recreational system was easy. Officials from both recreational departments admitted that they had eliminated full court basketball playing, except in one place each, due to citizen complaints about persons (read African Americans) using the courts.
The County official, where I had the most experience relating to since Doyne Park is a County park said he had no list of full basketball courts in County Parks in the city of Milwaukee. He referred me to a list of County Parks and said I would need to email and/or phone call each park separately. First I tried emailing all parks that listed basketball courts being available. Only a few wrote back so I tried calling each possible park. A few coordinators of county parks called back.
So from these phone calls, emails and personal observation I was able to gather the following list of full basketball courts in the Milwaukee. (Below) Please note that outside of the redlined area of North Central Milwaukee to the far South Side there is only two full basketball courts, at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park, in the County Park System. . On that court there was an actual homicide of young African American male a few years ago but the neighbors, predominately African American insisted, like the city and people of Kenosha, that full court basketball playing remain.
You can find at M.A.P.S. some of the statistics of why Milwaukee is the most racially segregated city in the USA. I would be glad to make a map of full court basketball sites in city of Milwaukee. The North Central Milwaukee is the most improvised area in the second poorest city in USA and with high unemployment and high violence. There are many other ‘signs’ of racism in Milwaukee. Perhaps if ACLU could do something about “recreational redlining” it would help to expose the ‘racism’ in Milwaukee. Accepting racism is the first step toward overcoming it.
If we do nothing we are complicit in ‘recreational redlining.” If I can be of any assist to you or others in the struggle against racism in Milwaukee please let me know.
Bob Graf
When we were in the rolling hills of Crawford County last weekend the landscape was breathtaking. Hills covered with trees about to turn color, hills cover with crops for animals and hills covered with organic vegetables for humans were everywhere. The hills were green or fall gold. Roads went up hills and roads went down hills. The land was not flattened to make room for construction and human occupation.
Seeing the beauty of the land I can feel how hard it was for Native Americans who live as one with nature to be forced out to make room for the white citizens occupying the land. The new invaders had guns and Native Americans were no competition this white human invaders and agreed or were forced into reservations on land not so fertile or productive.
I am reminded how African Americans were seduced or forced to move from downtown area and near north and west side. These citizens of United States had a heritage much older than the white settlers and their families. African Americans can trace their heritage to Africans who were brought here as slaves many years ago. The whites had the power of life or death over the slaves and after the slaves were ‘freed’ they kept control.
If you look at the city of Milwaukee today you can see that African-Americans are still segregated, especially the poor. The white suburbs have passed laws keeping those in need, especially African Americans out. Transportation systems between suburbs, where jobs are available and parts of city are poor. Racism and the individualism rebound in the USA. Bring back the rolling hills
Pumkin Moon - Sunday, September 27, 2015
As dusk fell tonight we were traveling home from Gay Mills’ Apple festival and two days of digital free existence. Our cell phones, including internet connection just did not work in the valleys of western Wisconsin. Also we watched TV for that is something our friends and other members of community do not do. Rather than on phone or internet we spent a lot of time outside admiring nature, watching an Apple fest parade, enjoying good organic and healthy food, spending time with very young children with full imaginations and just being present to the world.
We of the digital age, spending time on internet, watching TV or without smart phones do not realize how much we are missing in nature. Also many of us do not realize how privileged we are to have cars, have smart phones, have available and afford health food and have the basics of human life. Pope Francis called for the basic rights of all humans for Shelter, food, bed, stoves, money and transportation to travel, a decent job with a decent income.
On this weekend journey, at the American Players Theater production of Othello and at the Apple festival in Gay Mills I noticed very few African Americans. In fact at the play there were more African Americans on the stage than in all the audience. I was living in a world not affordable to many Americans whose families were uprooted from Africa and taken to America as slaves to whites so many years ago. Even at the events surrounding the visit for Pope Francis I noticed outside of UN visit, many persons of color, particularly African Americans. Why is this, when, for example, Washington D.C. has a majority culture of African Americans, many of them Catholic.
Watching the tragedy of Othello, a Moore, a black, unfold on Friday night and experiencing the delight of nature and good people we returned to the city of Milwaukee, where the poor and people of color are hidden in certain neighborhoods, kept divided and frustrated. As we were driving east toward the bright, full and super moon in the sky it looked orange to us and basically like pumpkin. Pat knew a children song about the moon and, keeping the same melody we changed the worlds to reflect a pumpkin moon. Later I found out it was called a Super Blood Moon and the lunar eclipse happening night was a rare event. “The last time a Supermoon and a lunar eclipse happened at the same time was 1982 and the next time it will happen is a 2033.” I doubt if I will be around in 2033.
I found out that it is called the ‘Super Blood Moon” I read it is called ‘super’ since this full moon only happens when the moon is closest to earth and this appears large. Also I read it only happens when the moon if fully eclipsed it appears ‘red’ and thus called’.
I tried to go outside before, during and after the eclipse but could only see the move white than dark at eclipse. However I know that thru the eyes of our childlike imagination Pat and I saw as we were driving home at dusk the ‘pumpkin moon’. I will take the ‘pumpkin moon’ over the ‘blood moon’ any day.
“Being at the service of dialogue and peace also means being truly determined to minimize and, in the long term, to end the many armed conflicts throughout our world. Here we have to ask ourselves: Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict untold suffering on individuals and society? Sadly, the answer, as we all know, is simply for money: money that is drenched in blood, often innocent blood. In the face of this shameful and culpable silence, it is our duty to confront the problem and to stop the arms trade.”
These are the strong words of Pope Francis today before a joint session of the US Congress. The U.S. is by far the largest arms supplier in the world, with domestic manufacturers selling more than $23.7 billion in weapons in 2014 to nearly 100 different countries. William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy, praised the Pope’s comments as “a refreshing change from the antiseptic language that too often surrounds discussions in this country concerning the global arms trade. Hartung’s research shows that the volume of major arms deals concluded by Obama in his first five years far exceeds the amount approved during the eight years of the Bush administration.
Will the Pope’s words matter? I would hope but doubt it. The major arms manufactures are in the USA and spend $150 million a year on lobbying and direct campaign contributions.
Our Holy Father had the courage to speak these strong words to US congress. Now it is up to us as Americans, to act on these words. If we keep silence our hands will be drenched in the blood money.

Recently I finished a fascinating book called: “Long Way To Go, Black & White in America” by Jonathan Coleman. I was given the book by a friend. It had been her father’s, a retired Pastor. My friend knew I was primarily interested in race relations in Milwaukee so I wonder what this book had to do with Milwaukee. To my wonder the author explores race relations through the window of Milwaukee. He spent seven years in 90’s reporting from Milwaukee, which at that time as now, was one of the most segregated cities in the country. (Since the census in 2000 it has been the most segregated area in the USA.) He drew on countless interviews, on diaries, journals, and letters, on events he witnessed, weaving it all into the context of history. Sadly what he observed racism, segregation, poverty of African Americans, degradation of the public school system, growing unemployment have increased. Impoverishment and segregation of African Americans in Milwaukee has increased since the nineties. We now have a longer way to go.
He ends his lengthy book with two questions: “If daily life is trying enough, why, frankly, should blacks have to constantly watch their step? Why should they constantly be subjected to a different set of bells and whistles merely because they are black?” In my words, why it so hard to be poor and black in Milwaukee? In the words of my 87 year friend, a civil rights activist, we are going backward, toward slavery, in the struggle for equality for all.
Accepting the racism within each of us is the beginning of bringing the gap between races. We must start calling situations like St. Vincent de Paul investing millions of dollars belonging to poor in African American neighbors to a store in a white suburb or taking down the rims in predominantly white neighbors when blacks start to play basketball, for what it is “Racism”. Yes we have a long way to go in race relations and the way is getting longer
The street in front of our house is being reconstructed, not just paved but completely remade. This street reconstruction is an inconvenience since we cannot use our driveways or garages for our cars during this time. But it is a welcomed experience.
My wife, Pat, went to the front of our house Sunday where there was no construction going on and marveled at the silence. She could hear the birds chirping and all the nature sounds in the silence. I have been fascinated by all the work, engineering, time and effort being made to construct the new street. I am sure such a reconstruction is very expensive since it takes so much work and time.
Today I was marveling at all the work and money being put in our streets and streets and highways all around us. I thought if that amount of work, engineering and money was put in some of the neighborhoods in North Central Milwaukee we could transform areas of decay and destruction into livable environments.
I realize that such an investment of work, time and money that is being put in my mostly white middle class neighborhood will probably not be put in the low income African American neighborhoods. Such an effort to transform neighborhoods into healthy environments along with other efforts to create jobs, fund education, support people in need with basics in life, like beds, stoves and refrigerators cannot happen in the present.
However, it is worth fighting for, like the small group struggling to have the local Society of St. Vincent de Paul live up to its mission. Today a friend called that my mission. The friend pointed out as others have done that I as the messenger was the problem why the message was not heard and supported. Marginalizing the messenger to ignore the message as being a part of every campaign I have been involved, including the one to stop our local Catholic university to stop teaching war and killing.
I can become discouraged since it is my “white liberal friends” who say this. However, I just need to look outside and watch the persistent effort to reconstruct our street. I remember how in all four Gospels John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus is described as an “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” (Matthew 3: 3)
Maybe we are called to be road constructors, inconvenient as it may be, preparing the way for Jesus to work in our lives.

Young men pulled from his
car for driving with cracked windshield
In today’s newspaper there is one inch of a column mentioning that a 28 year man (not identified) was shot and killed in North Central Milwaukee yesterday. In another one inch of a column is the name of a man shot and killed on Thursday in North Central Milwaukee. Yet there is a headline, front page article with pictures on how police are using ballistic technology to develop leads on homicides during this year of rising crime in the city. Also there in TV news last night and tonight mention was made of on a nearly three hundred thousand grant given the Milwaukee Homicide Commission to identify and capture violent offenders in the city. Other methods of capturing people who commit violent crimes are on the increase, from hiring of more police for areas of crime to more cameras to capture crimes to towers that can detect where guns are fired from. As more and more money and work is put into capturing criminals the more violent crime we have.
While it may be important to capture people who commit violent crimes it is more important to identify and correct the persons before they become offenders. Politicians, Police, Agencies and citizens know that the conditions that produce crimes are high unemployment, sense of homeless, dysfunctional families, mass incarceration of nonviolent offenders, poor educational systems, lack of healthy food, extreme poverty, poor housing. However, money spent in these areas is decreasing in Milwaukee as it becomes harder and harder in Milwaukee to be poor and a minority person. We seek to identify violent offenders but fail to target young person with services before they become offenders.
When we have an ecumenical prayer vigil at site of a homicide victim any family and friends are asked to say something positive about the dead person. Almost always they talk about the sense of humor of victim, how they laughed and made them laugh. The person becomes a human being instead another statistic in a one inch column. Many of these family and friends have experience more than one homicide victim and fear for their own lives.
Neighbors in North Central and South Central Milwaukee are rapidly increasing in human impoverishment while more and more resources and money are put in capturing offenders. I heard of a city in California that reduced significantly its high crime rate. The police chief decreased the stop and frisk of African-Americans and a city commission, independent of police, identifies youth who are in a potential situation to be an offender and pays them for education, food for family and more. Investment in crime prevention works and pays a greater return than an investment in capturing offenders.
We all know that we cannot change a person directly but we can create an environment where it is easier to be good. All homes should have beds to sleep on, stove and refrigerators to store and keep food yet that resource is becoming more difficult for poor families to have. We need to be investing in correcting conditions, like extreme poverty and racial segregation that make it more difficult to be good. Yet we rather capture offenders rather than prevent persons from being offenders. “When will we ever learn?” “Let those who have eyes to see, see and ears to hear, hear.”
I have been writing this Diary of Worm for many years, maybe since 2006. I can remember only a few of my postings being published, mostly in local newspaper as a ‘Letter to the Editor”. However, yesterday I was informed that two posting I wrote about two issues close to my heart have been or will be published. One is the posting ’Do Facts and Cry of the Poor Matter?’ which I wrote about the people’s demand that the local SVDP society stop using more “money belonging to poor” for a thrift store in the suburbs but rather serve people in need in the city. It was published, in all places, in the E Newsletter of the National office of Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP). Although the link is hidden it is a miracle that the National Office who cooperated with the local office to suspend me from the Society. I thank God, Blessed Fredrick and whoever was local agent for making this article available to all the good Vincentians in the USA.
The second came from the notable paper of the Catholic Worker in New York. This paper was established by Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day, co-founders of the Catholic Worker Movement in the USA. It has a large distribution all over the world and still is a penny a copy. The posting is Dorothy Day’s Worst Nightmare. The editor changed the title and made other edits but the essence of the article remains.
As some readers may know, I have struggled long and hard with other people to eliminate the teaching of killing at war at Marquette Catholic University (see Marquette and Notre Dane Teach War and Killing) and the struggle with people in need to shed light on “money belonging to poor” being use for persons in the suburbs These two issues at times looked hopeless. I have been told to “give up” on both struggles by some good people but just cannot. I take new hope in my persistent writing and acting with others on these issues of justice and peace. I do not bathe in the light of these two posting gone national but use them to inspire myself to do more writing and to work together with people on nonviolent actions.
Persistency Pays.

Ghost Peppers from our
front yard garden
Ghost Peppers you are hot and very hot.
In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the ghost pepper was the world’s hottest chili pepper,
401.5 times hotter than Tabasco sauce.
In 2012 the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion was discovered
And you were replaced as world’s hottest pepper,
Only to see your title passed onto the Carolina Reaper,
A pepper that is a cross breed between you and red habanero.
So now you are the third hottest pepper but who cares,
You are still too hot for almost all human beings to eat.
Only the very brave eat you straight.
I grow you not for myself,
You are so hot that just picking you leaves by eyes sting.
But I have a friend who told me some years ago you were the hottest pepper
And he can eat you straight.
So for my friend I grow you Ghost Peppers.
Now your past fame as caught on the restaurant world.
Red Robbin restaurants sells Ghost Pepper Hamburgers
And Taco Bell has ghost pepper loaded grillers.
Now you and I know these meals are not made with Ghost Peppers straight,
But with a heavily watered down sauce made from you.
Now you can say they have food honoring their hotness.
Yes, Ghost Pepper you are very, very hot,
Too hot for me but I can grow you and that is good.
This morning we had three prayer vigils for young African-American males shot and killed in North Central Milwaukee. There was no family present at the homicide prayer vigils and there was little information in the news for who they were in their young lives. But we prayed for these young men, their families, the neighborhood around the site of homicide. There have been too many homicides in Milwaukee this year, 135 by Sister Rose’s county and over 110 by the city count.
This afternoon I drove my friend Ms. Lucille, 87, to her doctors’ office. After a trip to help Pat get her lost keys in a parking lot we made a trip to a Fish store that had what Ms. Lucille was looking for—a fish with bones and all. She found a Red Snapper with head, tail and bones. She was delighted.
Tonight for dinner we invited three neighbors over, a retired couple down the block and a neighbor from across the street. During and after dinner we had a long conversation about many things but especially our experiences in the area and gave each other a sense of who we are. One neighbor worked for Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) and the other two had retired from MPS. My fascination with Milwaukee and history was well fed today with stories by Ms. Lucille and my three neighbors.
In my driving around town today I heard on National Public Radio an interview with person who made the first ever virtual reality film in a war zone. It is called Welcome to Aleppo. Aleppo was an active and inclusive city in Syria that has been devastated by civil war. There is an eery presence all around you as you stand in a street in Aleppo. Of course you need virtual reality goggles to get the full effect but you can get a good taste for this short film at Ryot film projects. You can click arrows to get the 360 view.
The first and last event, homicide vigil and film about Aleppo speak about sorrow and death. The middle two speak about joy and life. All four experiences speak about how we are all connected, a young man being killed in a senseless death, an elderly lady looking for fish with bones, neighbors getting to know each other around the dinner table and a young girl welcoming us to her city destroyed by war. Moments of joy give us hope for moments of sorrow.

In the struggle of poor to stop the local St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) staff and leaders from using money “belonging to poor”, four million and counting, for a store in the suburbs the the pleas of the people and Rule and Manuel of the Society have been rejected and dialog with people in need has been rejected. After the Grand Opening of the new store in the suburb of Greenfield, when dignities and media had left, staff of St. Vincent de Paul using police threatened poor and people of color with arrest unless they left the property of the store. When people in need asked the leadership for a meeting to express their concern that the “Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul” was suffering due to redirecting resources from poor to serve suburban people, their letter for dialog was ignored. Finally the people in need took a fact sheet/petition to the central office of St. Vincent de Paul where a bi-monthly meeting of board was to take place. The meeting was canceled and the office locked up early to avoid and ignore the people seeking a voice for poor. Here is that statement of facts and petition that where left at the door of the central office. Do facts and cry of the poor matter?
We the people, a voice for people in need,
Because the mission of “Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering…”.(1)
Because “St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores throughout the United States are an association of lay employees and volunteers dedicated to serve our needy sisters and brothers. All who come to are stores are welcomed with dignity and respect. We hope they leave as friends to shop with us again. Those who cannot afford the clothing, furniture and other household items they need will be provided for through a Vincentian initiated referral system……Serving Christ’s needy is the first purpose of all St. Vincent de Paul stores.” (2)
Because Milwaukee is one of the poorest cities in the U.S.A., the most racially segregated city in the USA, with the highest rate of incarceration of African American males in USA and a city increasing in impoverishment of African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods, (5)
Because In the Society, all our money, (income, donations, and debts) belongs to the poor. “The Society has held from the beginning that the funds donated to the Conference belong to the poor.” …… “Like Conferences, Councils act as custodians of funds given to the Society, understanding that they belong, ultimately, to the poor.” (3)
Because “Councils may receive funding requests from charitable organizations outside the Society. Funds donated to the Society, however, must be used only for works that involve the personal service of Society members.” (3)
Because the Milwaukee SVDP Greenfield store, after seven months of operation and over four million dollars of investment* shows no signs of being sustainable let along profitable, (4)
We the people, who all SVDP money belongs to, demand there be No More Money of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee County be invested in the Greenfield SVDP store but rather being invested in the SVDP conferences that serve the needy and to create, not investigate, a SVDP Thrift store in North Central Milwaukee, where it is needed.
1 Rule of Society of St. Vincent de Paul
2 Mission Statement of St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
3 Manuel of St. Vincent de Paul Society of USA
4 Based on the projected and approved 2014–2015 SVDP budget and small bits of information given to members of Milwaukee SVDP.
3.2 million dollars of loans from Securant Bank and Investment firm managing SVDP Trust Fund.
Interest on two loans $160, 000 per year
$500, 000 of Money being raised in present campaign
Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) to City of Greenfield $15, 000 per year
Property Management Fees $37, 940 per year
Condo Association Fees $15, 000 per year
Compensation (40 employees) and Operating Cost for Greenfield Store not covered by sales.
Equals ---------------------------------
Four Million Dollars Plus of Money Belonging to Poor investing in Greenfield Store
5 See MAPS http://www.nonviolentworm.org/Main/MAPS
What do these seven people in seven countries have in common with the President of the United States?







During the first seven years of Barack Obama’s presidency, the U.S. bombed their seven countries
The street in front of our house is being reconstructed. The fifty foot wide street with trolley rails and cobbler stones underneath is being torn up and will be reconstructed as 48 foot street with parking and bike lanes with curbs outs on east and west of 10 block stretch.
This year I did not add much new homemade soil with castings and noticed my tomato plants, while fruitful, are thinning out early. There are reasons for this, like lack of sunny hot days this summer, but I have no control over these conditions. However, next spring I can add more new compost soil with castings when I am preparing the raised area in the front garden.
We also had something to say about the reconstruction of street when city and alderman proposed making a narrow street. Our voice was heard. I had something to say about the reconstruction of the tomato planting area come next spring.
The large machinery used on the street has the word “CAT” on it, short for ‘Caterpillar’, a leading building of a large construction equipment. The Caterpillar Company also makes the large machines that are used by Israel to destroy the ancient olive tree gardens in Palestine. Olive trees take a long time to grow but can be destroyed in a few minuets. The Olive Oil I purchase in a store run by Palestinians is from the West Bank of Palestine. As Israel destroys the orchards new ones are planted by Palestinians but they will take years to grow.
For me the reconstruction of our street using “CAT” equipment is good for our neighborhood. Reconstructing the soil in my front yard garden will make it better for growing tomatoes. But the demolition of olive gardens by “CAT” equipment means death, destruction and destitution in Palestinians. The city pays for the road reconstruction; I pay, mostly with sweat labor, for reconstruction of the garden; and the USA, all of us, pay for the demolition of the Olive Tree Gardens.

Where are the Poor?
A group of citizens in Milwaukee’s most impoverished neighbors of Milwaukee went to the St. Vincent de Paul Central office today with a concern they have been trying to communicate for some time. They found the office closed and the bi-monthly board meeting had been cancelled. When the same group went peacefully to the Grand Opening of new store they were met with police and forced to leave the property. (See No Room for the Poor in SVDP Store They sent a letter to the President of Milwaukee Society and board to dialog on their concern for poor and they were ignored. Tonight they were met by one news photojournalist who took a lot of video shots but, so far, have failed to make the news.
Poor people are sadly used to being ignored and marginalized but this group will hopefully persist. Here is their fact sheet and demand. More can be found at Mission of St. Vincent de Paul and by requesting more information at
We the people, a voice for people in need,
Because the mission of “Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering…”.*
Because “St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores throughout the United States are an association of lay employees and volunteers dedicated to serve our needy sisters and brothers. All who come to are stores are welcomed with dignity and respect. We hope they leave as friends to shop with us again. Those who cannot afford the clothing, furniture and other household items they need will be provided for through a Vincentian initiated referral system……Serving Christ’s needy is the first purpose of all St. Vincent de Paul stores. **
Because Milwaukee is one of the poorest cities in the U.S.A., the most racially segregated city in the USA, with the highest rate of incarceration of African American males in USA and a city increasing in impoverishment of African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods, *****
Because in the Society, all money, (income, donations, and debts) belongs to the poor. (“The Society has held from the beginning that the funds donated to the Conference belong to the poor.” …… “Like Conferences, Councils act as custodians of funds given to the Society, understanding that they belong, ultimately, to the poor.” ***
Because “Councils may receive funding requests from charitable organizations outside the Society. Funds donated to the Society, however, must be used only for works that involve the personal service of Society members.”***
Because the Milwaukee SVDP Greenfield store, after seven months of operation and over four million dollars of investment* shows no signs of being sustainable let along profitable,****
We the people, who all SVDP money belongs to, demand there be No More Money of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee County be invested in the Greenfield SVDP store but rather being invested in the SVDP conferences that serve the needy and to create, not investigate, a SVDP Thrift store in North Central Milwaukee, where it is needed.
Where are the poor?
In-stant-ity - Monday, September 07, 2015
I read or heard a brain doctor recently talk about how we are becoming abdicated to digital devices, phones, tablets, computers etc. I have noticed this myself and find that at times when questions come up in conversations they are limited when someone pulls out their digital smart phone and looks up the ‘web’ answers. This pheromone of turning to digital devices thru out the day I call “Instantity” (In-stant ity). Instantity is the seeking of instant information or gratification. I have noticed that at times people take information from a digital device over a statement of a person or one’s own experience. As someone humorously pointed out “computers are always right.”
This addiction of instantity in Milwaukee is limited to middle class or rich, mostly white folks. When I am in the world of the poor and marginalized I see cell phones but people do not have access to email or internet, except perhaps in the library. Access to the digital world cost as I am reminded each month when I get my ATT bill for my digital connections, TV, cell phones, house phone, network access and more.
I find myself dependent on these devices, for calling, writing, emailing, seeking information, entertainment, research and posting on my web site like I am doing now.
Digital Devices are a tools just like many things in life. But getting dependent on them, just like with alcohol or drugs, can be addicted. So next time you hear the word ‘instandity’ remember you first heard it here on this posting from my digital device to yours.

Whoever shuts their ears to the
cry of the poor will also cry out
and not be answered. ~Proverbs 21:13
In the second reading of today’s liturgy from the Letter of James the author asks the “Followers of the Way” to show no partiality as they adhere to the faith in Jesus Christ. He says, by way of example that “if a man with gold rings, fine clothes comes into your assembly and a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes” and ignore the poor person you are becoming “judges with evil designs.” (James 2: 1–5)
Then he reminds the “followers of the way”, Jesus, that God chose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that was promised to those who love God.
This passage reminds me of the way the Milwaukee St. Vincent de Paul, City, County and State officials treat the poor, especially Blacks and Hispanics. They pay lip service to helping poor and segregated neighborhoods of Milwaukee but spend money and praise on wealthy. The Mayor says he is concerned with the growing impoverishment of neighborhoods of Blacks and Hispanics but he supports the spending of $400 million dollars (with interest) of taxpayers to build a new arena in the growing wealthy of downtown Milwaukee for the Wall Street owners of the professional basketball team. The elite group of St. Vincent de Paul say they are spending four million plus of “money belonging to the poor” on a suburban store so they can make money to help the poor. The Governor who is busy running for President just ignores the growing poverty of certain neighborhoods while cutting education funds and taxes for all accept the poor. They all are paying attention to white middle and upper class and looking down on the needy. The assembly follows these leaders and does not hear the message of James letter.
One of my friends, a very wise elder, says we are returning to slavery, where the ‘masters’ knew what was best for improvised slaves. I did not agree with her at first but the more I look, the more I hear the cry of the poor, the more I see the racism built into structures of Milwaukee, the more I agree. We have seen this story in the 70’s and 90’s, the poor being suppressed until they finally lash out at the oppressor or just give up. Only if we could hear the Cry of the Poor in our hearts!

Big brother watching younger
sister show a cow.
We spent the day at the Shawano County Fair watching youth, including our three grandchildren, show cows. In the first go around the cows were judged and in the second the youth showing the cow were judged. My son and his family live across the road from a family dairy farm so their 4-H club has many cows to choose from. My oldest grandson, now a senior in high school, has been showing cows since he was about seven in the “Pee Wee” show.
The theme of this year’s cow judging was “Peace, Love and Cows.” There was a yellow Volkswagen Beetle car to the side of showing area and the signs were a multiple of color in various shapes, ‘hippie’ colors. Having lived through the sixties where the peace and love theme reigned I thought this theme interesting. When I looked the coliseum I saw that all, young and old, were white people, something you expect in a rural town like Shawano. Also I suspect many youth in North Central Milwaukee have never touched a cow and let alone show a cow.
Technically a cow is not a cow until she has given birth. So the ‘cows’ were, for the most part, calves, heifers and yearlings. But for the theme this did not matter, a cow is a cow.
This web site is called Nonviolent Cow since when I visited India I discovered how important cows were the majority of Indians lives. Cows provide dung that when eaten and pooped by worms produces a rich natural fertilizer call castings. Cows provide milk. Cow manure is also used to produces energy in some rural villages. Cow manure also is made into something that cleans and softens a concrete floor. When harden, cow manure patties have countless uses form making tiles to burning for heat. Some cows are considered ‘sacred cows’ in some religions and are allow to wander free in the city and all are responsible for their well being. The people of India used cows for many things, but for most, not for eating.
So it is safe to associate Mother Cow with peace and love for cows to represent the useful way of life that comes with following God (gods, spiritual life or Mother Earth).
Peace and Love for all, particular our enemies is rare today. In an age of ‘individualism’ and greedy capitalism they seem lost, nothing more than a humorous theme. However, watch young people are showing cows and enjoying it, it gives us a ray of hope that peace, love and nonviolent cows can reign once more.

“Our voice will be heard.”
When low income people of color, African American or Hispanic, have all the facts and moral values on their side, predominately white middle groups, no matter their good intentions, just cannot hear or do not want to hear the facts and moral values being presented. Some call this racism. Often the poor or low income just give up trying and settle for what the white establishment gives them. Sometimes they speak and act out.
Here is a statement of low income and marginalized persons. When they peacefully picketed with the message they were threaten with arrest if they did not leave the property. (See No Room for the Poor in SVDP) When they respectfully asked for a dialog with leaders and staff of Milwaukee SVDP they were ignored. To give up or to keep struggling is the question they face. So far they will struggle on. If you would like to join in the struggle of this unnamed group send you name to be added to this petition. If you want to join the group send you name and email to
We the people, voice for people in need,
Because the mission of “Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering…”.(1)
Because “St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores throughout the United States are an association of lay employees and volunteers dedicated to serve our needy sisters and brothers. All who come to are stores are welcomed with dignity and respect. We hope they leave as friends to shop with us again. Those who cannot afford the clothing, furniture and other household items they need will be provided for through a Vincentian initiated referral system……Serving Christ’s needy is the first purpose of all St. Vincent de Paul stores.” (2)
Because Milwaukee is one of the poorest cities in the U.S.A., the most racially segregated city in the USA, with the highest rate of incarceration of African American males in Wisconsin with highest rate of incarceration in the USA which has the incarceration rate of citizens of any country in the world, (5)
Because “In the Society, all our money, (income, donations, and debts) belongs to the poor. The Society has held from the beginning that the funds donated to the Conference belong to the poor. …… Like Conferences, Councils act as custodians of funds given to the Society, understanding that they belong, ultimately, to the poor.” (3)
Because “Councils may receive funding requests from charitable organizations outside the Society. Funds donated to the Society, however, must be used only for works that involve the personal service of Society members.”(3)
‘’Because home visits to people in racially impoverished are being severely limited by Central Office of SVDP,
Because the Milwaukee SVDP Greenfield store, after seven months of operation and over four million dollars of investment* shows no signs of being sustainable let along profitable,(4)
Therefore, We the people, who all SVDP money belongs to, demand No More Money of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee County be invested in the Greenfield SVDP thrift store but rather but rather being invested in SVDP conferences that serve the needy and to create, not investigate, a SVDP Thrift store in North Central Milwaukee.
(1)Rule of Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(2) Mission Statement of St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
(3)Manuel of St. Vincent de Paul Society of USA
(4)Based on the projected and approved 2014–2015 SVDP budget and small bits of information given to members of Milwaukee SVDP.
3.2 million dollars of loans from Securant Bank and Investment firm managing SVDP Trust Fund.
Interest on two loans $160, 000 per year
$500, 000 of Money being raised in present campaign
Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) to City of Greenfield $15, 000 per year
Property Management Fees $37, 940 per year
Condo Association Fees $15, 000 per year
Compensation (40 employees) and Operating Cost for Greenfield Store not covered by sales.
Equals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Four Million Dollars Plus of Money Belonging to Poor investing in Greenfield Store
(5) See MAPS http://www.nonviolentworm.org/Main/MAPS
“We must do what is most agreeable to God. Therefore, we must do what our Lord Jesus Christ did when preaching the Gospel. Let us go to the poor. ” Blessed Frederic Ozanam founder of Society of St. Vincent de Paul (1813–1853)
An elderly woman at the block party last Friday gave me a sheet of quotes on “The Gift of Prayer.” Here are some to start the new month.
“If you sincerely want to pray, keep silence.” Mother Theresa
“Seven days without prayer makes one weak.” Allen Bartlett
“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” Martin Luther
“To look around is to be distressed. To look within is to be depressed. To look up is to be blessed” Author Unknown
“The more we empty ourselves, the more room we give to God to fill us.” Mother Teresa
“Talking to God is my stepping-stone to never walking a moment alone.” Nancy Marthaler
“If I should neglect prayer but a single day, I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith.” Martin Luther
“Prayer changes things.” Author Unknown
“Prayer is exhaling the spirit of man inhaling the spirit of God.” Edwin Keith
“Life is fragile. Handle with prayer.” Author Unknown