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Native American Walking
in Two Worlds

I returned today from visiting family in Iowa City and near Pulaski WI. They were good Christmas visits and I enjoyed being around family and good food. However, now that I am back home I feel like I am part of two worlds, one with my family where the small talk and good food flow easily and one here burdened by awareness of militarism and racism. Before and between visits I wrote or posted YouTube video called Marquette University and Notre Dame University Teach War and Killing and two postings called Letter from Milwaukee County Jail. These two efforts were small ones in the struggle to combat militarism and racism here at home, in our local communities.

The closest I got to mention these two struggles against militarism and racism during the two family visits was a dialog with my nephew, a police officer in a suburb of Settle, talking in general about relations of community members with police officers. It was refreshing to have a dialog like this but I did not come close with anyone else on these visits.

Perhaps that is just as well. Many people, family and friends, seem to be living in two worlds but now aware of the depths of evils in their own world. Pushing unwelcome conversations probably does more harm than good.

Perhaps this is what Christmas is all about. On one hand we got the holiday gift buying and giving, all the tinsel and decorations surrounding Christmas, all the partying that goes on; while on the other hand, there is the poverty and rejection surrounding the birth of Jesus. Jesus came into the world quietly and almost unnoticed and left the world in shame, rejections and death. For three years before he was killed Jesus left the normal life of itinerant preacher, going place to place healing and associating with all kinds of persons. But at the end the two worlds, Kingdom of God and Roman Empire clashed.

Awareness of death helps keep the balance between the two worlds. In the perspective of dying if we are talking about a football team or blacks dying by hands of police on the streets, does it really matter? Talking matters little. I pray for the courage to live gracefully in the two worlds.


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