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Good, old St. Nick came and went leaving my wife an I Tunes Card and me nothing. It is just as well since I have been given many blessings this year and now only need to realize and be aware of more of them.
Advent is a time of Waking Up and Getting Ready. Waking up to Word of God, Jesus, who despite being rejected, even in his mother’s womb, is still coming and getting ready to see the graces and blessings God gives only to the poor and marginalized but allows us to share in. So my Advent Prayer is:
Open my heart, ears and eyes so I can better feel, hear and see the presence of our God in all things.
My heart may be broken from what I see and hear but know the healing power of Jesus will be there for me.
With ears to hear I may hear what I do not want to hear but know I will be given the courage to hear these words.
With eyes to see I may see some troubling events and acts that offend my conscience but I know I will be given the power to forgive and be forgiven myself.
Opening of my heart, ears and eyes may make me weak and vulnerable but I know that in my weakness and dependence will be my strength.
With work I can till the soil and produce a good crop. With grace of God I can hear, see and feel the Word of God and live the Gospel.
In hurting there is healing, in sorrow there is joy, in sadness there is happiness for those with an open heart, ears and eyes.
I pray this Advent to become awake and ready.
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