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State semifinal soccer
game today

My grandson’s soccer team was good this year but in the State tournament got hot and went all the way to the State semifinal game in Milwaukee today. My son and his wife with three children are all involved in soccer so this was a big event. However, last night at the motel eight players on the team, four starting players, committed inappropriate actions and had to be suspended from the team for this game. The other team was good and might have won anyway but it was sad to watch my grandson’s team loose after such a good run in the state tournament. It was a lesson in life that hopefully all the team will learn and grow from, especially the eight suspended players.

Sports have become a big part of many of our lives. I just finished watching on TV the Milwaukee Buck’s home opener in Milwaukee. Watching sports on TV, baseball, basketball and football have become a big part of my entertainment life. Sports can be good but if out of control can be harmful if you are a parent watching your kids or grand kids, participant or just a fan. If out of control sports and the big business it represent can tale a lot of time, money and be obsessive.

Sports can also be physically dangerous. The number of sport related injuries has seriously increased over the years. My other grandson plays football and is a quarterback who has taken a lot of major hits. Not being a parent of a football player but just a grandparent all I can do is watch and pray.

In sports “winning is not something but is everything” as the great Green Bay packer coach has said, or something like that. There is talk of sports for fun but nowadays only the most skilled get to play a lot and thus become better players while the others watch and do not sharpen their skills.

Winning being everything is to sports like killing is to the military or making money is in our capitalistic society. It is not natural and often not enjoyable but it is the way we are in the USA. Altruism, I believe, is in the nature of humans but winning, killing and making money are often in conflict with this natural bent of human beings. Winning and losing are natural.


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