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Once I was walking with Pat on a nature trail along Lake Mendota in Madison. It was a beautiful day. Near the end of the walk a strange thought entered my mine: the end of the world would be when humans could create nature. I am not sure what the thought meant but recently it has struck me as meaningful in an email conversation I am having with a friend about Truth. He comes from a strong science and math background where there no black or white and where what we call truth is relative. I am coming from a faith background where there is right and wrong and where Jesus shows us the way to God or “Kingdom of God on earth” and faith is full with paradoxes and mystery. In the world of science truth may be always relative. However, the world of Faith, we believe that the Truth of the Gospel is constantly revealing itself us.
In science we need to be active and pursue our every changing knowledge. In Faith we need to be silent to hear the truth within all creations. Science is something we learn and earned while faith is a gift given freely to us. Where humans via science discover more and more about nature with gift of faith we see the truth in nature. The scientific way and the way of faith are not contradictory but operate on different levels. In science we use our thought and minds to discover more about nature. In faith we used our senses and our heart to discover more about nature. Science uses reason while faith takes a leap.
Perhaps someday the science of nature and the faith in God will come together and with a whimper the world will end.
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