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Steve Kelly, left, and a
Wackenhut security guard assist
our friend, Jerry Zawada, toward
a holding pen at the Nevada
National Security Site during
a civil disobedience action
marking the United Nations
International Day of Peace
Sunday,Sept. 21, 2014.
Yesterday I again heard the cry for us older activist for peace and justice to support our youth who are struggling with issues so we do not need to be so active. I wish this was true but, at least for white University age students, it is not true.
While students at Marquette University, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and other local universities and colleges are encouraged and do works of mercy, some even getting university credit for their work. But when it comes to resistance to injustice and violence they are mostly absent and encouraged to do so.
This rang true to me today when I saw pictures of the hundreds of thousands marching yesterday in New York City to protest climate change. I could not find many white university aged person in the photos. I goggled images of the march and find many pictures but not many white students.
This has been my experience of students at Marquette University over the years. There are pictures in the 70’s and into the 80’s of hundreds of MU students protesting apartheid in South African, ROTC and many other issues.
Today if we get a few students joining us we feel fortunate and eventually the culture of the university, the What does it matter to me takes over]].
Students will go to talks and films describing injustices and do social service work but when it comes to doing acts of resistance they are mostly absent.
In contrast a picture in the paper today of Russians marching in protest of Kremlin supporting Ukrainian rebels seemed to be mostly of white college aged students.
Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker, did both, acts of resistance and acts of mercy. Doing one without the other seems somewhat empty.
Where have all the White Students gone when long time injustices and wars continue?
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