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It seems like in the fall and spring I go through a time of being very tired. I think it probably has something to do with the change of weather, although our fall this year has been about the same as the summer, 70’s with rain. The body seems to be saying I need this time to catch up with sleep. Staying up at night is usually not so much a problem, when I am so tired, but getting out of bed in the morning is difficult.

At faith sharing this morning we were talking how our lives can “make a difference.” Getting myself up and going these can make a difference. When I am tired my motivation is low. So being self motivating is important.

When I can see through my tiredness I see how blessed and exciting life is. Today I had contact by phone, in person and at dinner with friends, talking and walking on some important issues; I had a chance to work in the garden and dehydrate some cheery tomatoes. In fact I was shoveling composite around when a friend called about some ‘crap’ that is being thrown at us for trying to do good. I was I had some cow manure to throw around. I got some reading done and did some writing. My lovely life came home from work late tonight and we had a nice conversation. I got my brandy and soda drink now to calm me down for sleep. Being so tired is not so bad when one is blessed.


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