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Before people ignored me some would call be a ‘prophet’. I did not think I was at the time and still do not think so now that I am called other names and ignored. However, I do identify with the first reading in yesterday’s Scripture readings, Jeremiah 20: 7–9. Jeremiah complains that God ‘duped’ him. The message God gave makes him an object of laughter and mockery. He tries to ignore the message of God “but then it becomes like fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it.”
When my message about the racism of taking down basketball rims or building a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift store or the militarism of Marquette goes out from me it is ignored and the messenger, me, gets ignored, rejected and marginalized. Some may think I like being rejected but I do not. In the old days when I was called on to give a talk to a classroom or write something for a publication I felt good about it and thought I had something to say.
I must admit part of the problem is the type of messenger I am. I do come across as arrogant or prideful but that is my weakness and has nothing to do with the message. The poor, weak, ill and some family and friends understand that but many do not.
A friend of mine, a woman priest, sent me a press release from Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests named: “Violence perpetrates suffering and is against the will of our Loving God.” It is a short brief release but made me wonder that we can do about it, what is the action. She wrote back saying: “Continued prayer and self-reflection on journey to becoming whole and fully human…doing daily work/ministries.” I agree.
We can be imperfect and weak but must proclaim the message of our conscience and by self reflection and daily ministries, that bring God’s blessings, keep on going. Our hope is “when I am week I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)
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