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ISIS using USA weapons
A page on this web site that I have not added anything to in a long time is one called Inconvenient Facts and Pictures. It is not that there has not been anything to add but there is so much contradiction in the world that I am getting used to it. A headline in the newspaper, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, caught my attention the other day. It read Wisconsin loses $206 million by not fully expanding BadgerCare.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker likes to brag about how much he has saved Wisconsin taxpayers during his first term in office, but in reality he has cost taxpayers millions of dollars by refusing to fully expand the state’s primary health care program for the poor under the Affordable Care Act. Because of politics 63, 000 people were dropped from BadgerCare, state health care program, and the taxpayers will pay out about 206 million dollars the next two years and health care for poor and those just above the poverty line will become worse. In the name of noncooperation with Affordable Care Act, the Governor will give us an inferior health system that cost more.
Another inconvenient fact is that after the beheading of an American hostage last week the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) became our number one enemy, over al-Qaeda and any other Islamic militant group or terrorist organization. ISIS is a terrible threat to people of Iraq but the problem is that ISIS is the main opposition group to the government of Syria and its President, Bashar Hafez al-Assad. The USA, like ISIS is working for the overthrow of Assad regime. So ISIS our sworn enemy in Iraq is the sworn enemy of Assad government in Syria, our sworn enemy.
These contradictions of a governor promoting tax cuts yet raising cost to taxpayers by lowing health care and the USA government dedicated to the destruction of ISIS but indirectly supporting it in Syria might seem silly or stupid if they were not the cause of so much suffering and death.
I have friends who cannot get proper health care without great expense and long waits due to the Governor’s decision not to accept federal money. The UN reports the death toll in the war in Syria now tops 191, 000 persons with many more injured or refuges. A few people’s politics can hurt many.
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