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Poor in Milwaukee Need
the money
I spent a lot of time tonight looking for something I had found the other night –Manuel of St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Statements about monies. So tonight you will be treated to these quotes that were lost but not are found. They are crucial to our struggle to stop a five million dollar St. Vincent de Paul in the suburbs rather than create in North Central Milwaukee a thrift store at low or no cost.
“The Society has held from the beginning that the funds donated to the Conference belong to the poor. In the role of administrator, the Conference strives to meet the most urgent needs that come to its attention. Conference members should never adopt the attitude that the money is theirs, or that the recipients have to prove that they deserve it.”
“Like Conferences, Councils act as custodians of funds given to the Society, understanding that they belong, ultimately, to the poor.”
The Money belongs to the Poor and the Poor cannot afford a Thrift Store in Greenfield.
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