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All Four Rims are Resurrected
at Doyne Park: Park is
full of golfers, basketball
and soccer players and
people using playground,
June, 2013 (See After Below)
Here is part of an email that I sent out tonight to local groups and individuals that may be interested. There is an action and for more information for each event. If you are local and interested and do not get one by Monday eve contact
Dismantling Racism One Plant, One Thrift Store, One Rim at a Time.
Many of us know Milwaukee was the mostly racially segregated city in the USA. (See But what to do about it, how to we stop racism and new Jim Crow in Milwaukee? Here are three very specific ways we can do something to dismantle racism in Milwaukee.
One Plant at a time:
DMZ Community Gardens
The DMZ Healing Garden at 8th & Concordia needs your help with soil, sun loving plants and/or seeds. DMZ community gardens in this area, Borchert field neighborhood, were started a few years back to bring the community together around growing power. The Healing Garden was started last year with a grant that provided growing boxes, some soil & plants, but it is not enough to sustain the garden. The Healing Garden needs sun loving plants and/or seeds & good growing soil to keep the garden alive and growing.
One Thrift Store at a time
Mission of St. Vincent de Paul in Milwaukee
The administration of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking to invest over 5 million dollars of money from the poor into a thrift store in Greenfield rather than lesser amount into North Central Milwaukee, the most racially segregated area of Milwaukee.
One Rim at a Time
Resurrect the Rims
Doyne County Park has enjoyed four rims for full time and half time basketball since 1970. About five years ago, when young African American males started to use the basketball courts there was a movement by local politicians to have the backboard and rims taken down. Attempts failed in last month when shots were fired in the park. Although the shots were not related to basketball playing politicians and local residents used fear to have one of the rims, allowing full court basketball taken down. A few weeks later a WE energies truck hit one of the poles and bent it. The next day the basketball pole, backboard and rim were removed. Before Picture above and After Picture below.

After second rim is taken down
little or no golfers,basketball
or soccer players and people
using playground
July 24, 2014
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