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As gardeners know tomato plants need sun, water and heat to grow. Nature has provided sun and water but hot days have been rare and most days the temperature has been in the 70’s. The tomato plants in the front garden have many blossoms, some green tomato and have yielded some tomatoes. However to compensate for the lack of heat provided by Nature I have been pruning the tomato plants, enriching the soil around the plants and putting much to keep the weeds down. I am not sure this is enough to compensate for the hot sun of Nature but it is the best I can do.

This garden experience today reminds me that often in life the ‘best we can do’ is all we can do. We maybe cannot stop the million dollar thrift store built in the suburbs rather than in the city where it is needed; maybe we cannot Resurrect the Rims at Doyne Park; maybe we cannot get enough plants for the DMZ Community Healing Garden to flourish. But the conscience of our human nature says we must do the best we can do.

Three tattooed young adults walked by the front garden today while I was working outside and said the garden was beautiful. I said “Thank You” and silently thought this is the best I can do.


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