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With discrimination on the rampage in Milwaukee, with violence in our cities, with massacre of Palestinian children in Gaza, with wars and fighting in too many places, with climate change, severe earthquakes and tornadoes, with fires burning out of control, with money running this country, with rich getting richer and poor poorer at a rapid rate in the USA, one has to wonder if the end is not coming soon. Many have said it for many years and maybe now there is some sense to it.

Personally I believe the end of the world will not come for some time, until humans can create almost like God creates. Then the Alpha, coming from God, will return to the God, the Omega.

One person, a member of St. Vincent de Paul Society, when I warned her, of the possible great act of destruction the Society may be making by spending 5 to 6 million dollars of the poor for a thrift store in the suburbs, wrote back saying she does not read or listen to me. She also expressed her belief and trust in the “administration”. This is said despite the fact that St. Vincent de Paul is the largest lay organization in the world and its main mission, home visit to those in need, are carried out by lay persons, not administrators.

When dialog, common sense are replaced by blind faith in highly paid administrators does this mean the end is near?

A WE energy truck hits a basketball pole in the local park and it is removed not replacing blaming basketball players who have been chased from the park does this mean the end is near?

When Palestinian children living in a UN sponsored school are hit by bombs with shrapnel by Israelis’ armed by the USA, does that mean the end is near?

The worst epidemic of deadly Ebola virus is out of control in West Africa and spreading to other countries does this mean the end is near?

I do not know the answer but believe these trials and suffering are human created for the most part and not God created. Thus we must have a revolution of the heart of each person before the end is near. This is what I think. But if the end is near I am not ready yet God. I am still too dependent on others and myself and not on You, God.


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