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Today my goddaughter, Sophia,and I got in a few good hours of garden work, mostly of pulling weeds and thinning plants. But there was picking of mint, chives, parsley, kale, lettuce and grape leaves. This picking left a lot to clean, some to dehydrate, some to eat and some to refrigerate. I am not sure how cost effective my garden is but know the bounty of vegetables, herbs and flowers is great. All you need to do is “just keep on gardening” and all will be well with the garden. This recalls the movie “Finding Nemo” where the song “Just keep swimming” is memorable.
I wish the “just keep on” philosophy was just as clear in the rest of life as it is with gardening. As I said to one of my neighbors today if we “just keep on” struggling for racial equality in our local county park we will get it, maybe. He was of many who consider African-American basketball players as ‘outside’ people but would not think of the golfers, bike trail users or golfers as ‘outsiders’. For years Asian and white males who use the basketball courts were not consider “outsiders” although they lived outside the neighborhood. About five or six years ago when African American males started playing basketball on the courts there was a ‘problem.’
However, when people do not understand discrimination, racism and think it ended after the civil rights campaign or when an African American male was elected President it is hard to argue reason and facts with them. Gandhi says we must appeal to the heart for effective nonviolence. How do we do that we are trying to restore rims or trying to locate a St. Vincent de Paul Thrift store where it is needed, North Central Milwaukee, not where it is not needed in a middle class suburbs? I know reason, logic, facts, mission statements and talk do not matter. “Just keep on” works with gardening but how do we reach the heart of those who discriminate and do not even realize it. How do we ‘just keep on?’
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